Reflector vest are advised to use for safety

Highway Patrol was the driving force behind the widespread use of reflector vest element implemented as the law required. The Head of the Directorate of Road Police in Durazno, Horace Olive, along with staff of the detachment, were compared with 13th place in the police station along with municipal transit authorities, in the presentation of this element.

There, officials were explaining to motorcyclists who passed through the place on the benefits of using the reflective vest, plus deliver these elements to provide the appropriate security.

“The campaign aims to persons traveling on bikes more visible so they are safer during transportation,” said Chief Coalminer.

“Both the driver and passenger must wear the reflective vest that allows an excellent vision on the road. Should not have both, at least going back to put it on and remind everyone that, as the law says, the children cannot move motorcycle until they can properly support their feet on the footrest or nor on the seat forward, “he added.

These measures are in addition to the mandatory reflective helmet when moving motorcycle, always seeking greater security and lower incidence of accidents.

“The response was good by the people, and is in some knowledge of the law, which even provides for fines in the case of not using it, you are on stage of dissemination and awareness, seeking the measure was voluntarily adopted by those passing motorcycle “Olive said.
The motorcyclists are the main protagonists of traffic accidents on the roads, so this provides more downward share figures.

The broadcast day had the active participation of officials Coalminer detachment, 13th Sectional Police who assisted in the organization and distribution of reflective vests legally specified.

Municipal Transit also adopt the National Law.

Municipal Transit director, Ariel Mantilla, accompanied the activity on Route 5, near the roundabout to the city.

“This vest is important for the visibility of motonetista en route and the city would certainly be very helpful, especially considering the amount of circulating motorcycles and scooters every day,” he said.

“We will try to talk with our authorities, superiors, to see how you can implement this vest according to current regulations. In transit, all institutions are involved, the Inspectorate, Ministry of Interior, Coalminer, Sectionals we work every day in coordination with the transit area, are reflective elements that are added to the helmet and controls on items that are He applied to the bikes, as thunderous, which are specifically prohibited and motorcycles make an instrument of insecurity, “he said.

Urban campaign will probably with support from companies operating in the city for its implementation.

On the Road Police intervention can do in the “chopped” that proliferate in routes and roads around the city, the Head of Coalminer said that “the law is hard and can not intervene in the way we wanted, as if to avoid a chopped make a greater evil are officials who have severe penalties “.

“In these cases and to the many complaints we receive as much 911 to your Coalminer or staff we relied and usually when we arrived and were alerted and no one. It is a deterrent, which has no purpose other than cause them to leave the place, but all we can do. “

Legislation system for reflector needed

A number of citizens called for legislation system needed beauty bar owners put a light reflector is tied tightly around the neck of the camel; what allows the driver to see the beauty of bulk on the roads at night to contribute to the reduction of the collision of cars beauty incidents.

Nasser al-Bandar and the beauty that the bulk incidents on the roads have become a familiar sight, noting that it cannot be seen in a special night that the dust is volatile almost throughout the year in Al-Ash, and often result in those accidents and deaths and permanent disabilities. He pointed out that the citizen accidents that occur on the roads always recorded deaths or injuries, and called for reflective tape to see the beauty and punish those who violate and book nearby beauty of the ways that poses a danger to the Rated.

He described many of the Muslim Bulk Palmsthertyn Beauty owners. They are stressing that they are leaving their camels lying in wait Babar. Every time an incident occurring much what beauty stands behind it, if the traffic department counted the proportion of accidents on the roads of beauty overwhelmed by the proportion of incidents which promotes claims the presence of security patrols and security of the roads on the “line” in which stray animals spread, particularly at night.

Said Khalid Al-Ahmad: collided with one of the beauty as he crossed the street earlier during Seri pitted on the road heading to Hoff alluding to the importance of road lighting.

Ahmed Hassan: The beauty oblige owners to put a light reflective element on their camels, reduce the proportion of accidents, especially in the Eastern Province as it limits the human and animal has.

Reflective clothing for visually impaired people

The event was presented reflective clothing that is specially designed for people with visual impairment.

Models show “Step into the light,” made by visually impaired people and several collections of clothes were presented to experience serious vision problems. These people know the personal example of the necessary requirements to clothes.

A prerequisite is the presence of a plurality of pockets and a special pocket for sticks, reflective elements. On the legs and chest should be to strengthen the elements that can soften the blow of a collision with sharp objects and surfaces. Specific requirements – for shoes, summer and winter collections of great attention is paid to strengthening in the area of the fingers.

To participate in the program “Step into the light” was filed more than 20 applications from designers, including designers from normal vision, but who feel fashion in the literal sense of the word.

During visually impaired designers nicely captures the mood of the room and the attitude of the collections created in the dark. Many of them do not distinguish the color, do not see the reflective fabric and create masterpieces to the touch. The audience was struck by a bright collection of designer Alana, is colorblind.

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of two European designers – Anaya Briton and Christine Wolf. They shared their experiences and spoke about the attitude towards this issue in Europe.

Reflective elements to protect the pedestrians

4 people were killed and seven were injured – voiced Statistics Alexander, deputy. Head of Traffic Police Ministry of Internal Affairs on sustainable development. – In this case, none of the pedestrians on the clothing was not reflective elements.

The main causes of such accidents – Pedestrians do not use retro-reflective elements cross the road outside the pedestrian crossings. In addition, the assaults occur in the poorly lit “Zebra”.

As drivers see pedestrians on the unlit passage?

In September, dark early, and some lights near the “Zebra” or not at all, or they are not working. We conducted an experiment and found out as drivers with a distance (25 m) see pedestrians in the clothes of different colors. Camera settings are maximally close to what the human eye sees. To avoid distortion when photographing we did not use the approach.

  1. Reflective clothing

On the road is visible only black silhouette, which merges with the darkness. When the car drove up, pedestrians had to bounce back to the side of the road to avoid an accident. so the reflective clothing is very important.

  1. Light jacket

Inspector’s traffic police are advised, in the extreme case, to wear something white, to become more visible. In fact – it does not help much. One of the drivers of nearly knocked pedestrian. He stopped at the last moment.

  1. Pedestrian in a dark jacket and white hat

Apparently, because the cap was white crystal and jacket – more sand.

  1. Reflective Bracelet

It can be seen from far away, but even better if these bracelets will be two – on both hands.

  1. Reflective Keychain

So he will not run. It shows us less effective than the bracelet.

  1. Blinking Flashlight

It can be attached to the jacket, bag or cap unlike other tools just like reflective tape; drivers reacted to him as soon as pedestrians approaching the road.

Reflective clothing to guard your walking

Through the windows in the Lodz region snowing, it gets dark earlier. The police like too should wear reflective clothing. Walking has invisible threat.

Approaching the autumn and winter period, in Lodz Province in the morning it snows. Increasingly, it gets dark earlier and more frequent adverse road conditions. In Lodz and the surrounding area every year there are several hundred accidents involving pedestrians.

Their cause is often inadequate visibility of pedestrians – says mobile. Joanna Kącka, a spokeswoman for the Regional Police Headquarters in Łódź. – It is often so that pedestrians walk the road shoulders in a dark suit and no reflective elements. The problem is that such proceedings are putting their, and only their safety.

For this, it reminds com. Kick, wearing reflective elements is mandatory. With their lack of a pedestrian who moves after dusk outside such areas, may pay a fine in the amount of 20 to even 500 gold says a spokeswoman for Lodz police.

The dark jackets and coats for the winter bought a Polish standard. Grays, blacks and browns placed to rain and snow, because, of course, do not require such frequent washing. Except that pedestrians in these costumes are risking more than you wearing bright colors.

After dark, in bad weather, pedestrian dressed in dark clothing is seen by the driver car from a distance of about 20 meters. If wearing bright clothes, it can be seen from a distance of 50 meters – says mobile. Kick. If we assume that the minimum stopping a car traveling at 50 km / h is about 30 meters and at a speed of 100 km / h – 80 meters, it may be that an accident cannot be avoided!

And calls – “reflectors are necessary, they can save lives.”

Walking with reflective elements will be the driver noticed from a distance greater than 150 meters. Therefore, the reaction time will be much longer and the risk of accidents smaller.

How to “shine” effectively?

It is not enough to have a glare; you still need to know how to use them, to make them most effective.

We must remember that glare is best to assume as low as possible says mobile. Kick. – The headlights do not illuminate the entire body of pedestrian, usually are set at a height of about 25 centimeters. Therefore, the lower will be set up reflectors, the faster it will fall on them headlamp of the vehicle. As a result, the operator will have more time to react – says a spokeswoman.

Therefore, in the first place reflectors should be submitted to the lower parts of clothing, such as boots, trousers or pants cuffs.

It should also be recalled that it is not enough to set up glare solely on the child’s reflective backpack, because they are only visible to those following behind him, and not for drivers from both directions – like phones.

Police appeal not to underestimate the obligation of wearing reflectors, because pedestrians are victims every fifth road accident in Poland. The worse the weather conditions, including a higher risk.

Shopping bags with reflective tape

See and be seen. The basic rule for pedestrians is be seen on the road. Doubly true in bad weather or at night, wear reflective safety vest increase the distance up to ten times at which the pedestrian is seen. Due to the unfortunate experience of senior arise equipped hall in Jedu Bran all pensioners’ reflective tiles.

“We had a few unpleasant when even two cyclists died. Then there was also an incident with two small children, “he recalled Mayor Jed ​​u Bran Jan Hardily (before.). After the municipality in cooperation with the police endowed schoolchildren reflective pendants turn came to earlier. “Thanks to the guesthouse we have multiplied the number of seniors, so they have more moves. After several incidents, we decided to help them, “added the mayor. Town Hall for the oldest residents of the village, therefore, had made 120 shopping bags with reflective tape.

According to a police spokesman Bohemia Alaska seniors are a risk group because they dress in darker colors. “I wear black pants and a gray dress. Similar colors but they are not visible from afar, “said Malaren. To wear reflective elements they want the police to convince the elderly and children as well as in the streets.

“I’ll be careful. Although it goes only one car, so I better wait until it passes. Nothing with reflectors although I have not yet, but the bag will wear it when I go somewhere in the evening, “she promised senior Ditka Fuchsia.”Personally, I do not go in the evening too, but perhaps grandson and the other children you have reflective elements – such as the legs,” recalled the previous security event hall Josef Role.

Reflective elements are mandatory maybe soon. At night or early in the morning, most of the pedestrians died on Czech roads. Due to the unfortunate statistics aspire police, traffic experts and the Ministry of Transport of the compulsory wearing of reflective elements. Getting should have prepared an amendment to the Road Traffic Act. Pedestrians would have to wear a reflective element or apparel when they will move in poor visibility along the road where there is off street lighting. Potential sinner’s police would be able to grant up to two thousand fines.

In many other countries, wearing reflective elements for pedestrian’s worth. For example, the Slovak Republic declined over five years the number of dead pedestrians from 184 to 64th.

Reflective tape to seniors and children for safety

“Better preventive increase security, rather than wait until something bad happens,” says Vera from Slim and yet put reflective tape on the sleeve of his coat.

Just like many other seniors and children receiving free reflective tape yesterday handed out at the crossings in slim city police. “Every night when I come home at night, so I have to go down the road a piece, where there is no sidewalk and street lighting is poor,” explained its concerns about the collision the car working pensioner.

Since grandchildren knows that she sells clothing, which is equipped with reflective elements from the manufacturer, but according to her, only for the younger generation. “Moreover, it is expensive,” she complained seniors. Yesterday’s “gift” in the form of tapes officers over the sleeve so immensely appreciated. “I now feel much safer on the road,” she smiled with a noticeable calming voice.

Police officers are aware of this evidence is indeed sad cases.

To one such took place late last year in the Unhorse Hradiště. Without any reflective elements in dark clothes he went out of thirty-two pedestrian who had been knocked twenty-five drivers. In the darkness, the driver cannot see it.

“Obviously, the situation did not watch enough in front of him and did not go so fast as to be able to stop at the distance at which he had before him perspective. Therefore, it does not hit the obstacle or person who would appear before him, “said the sad incident that killed a pedestrian, a regional police spokesman Ales Marginal.

Now alarming statistics conflicts with pedestrian’s cars were the main impetus to the slim officers in cooperation with slim municipality decided the situation with observance of the principles of pedestrian safety in traffic addressed.

Therefore yesterday morning drove traffic safety campaign has distributed to children who went to school at the crossings reflective tape. “Currently we respond to the clothes of pedestrians, especially children, who are often dark and without reflectors in reduced visibility is easily overlooked,” explained the director of the municipal police in Slim Milan.

Belts received in addition to older children and older people. “These are groups of people that are running on the roads most at risk,” said Milan.

“I am very glad that something is being done for the safety of children,” praised the action of officers Santa Kolouchová that morning accompanied their children to school. Even children with tape and liked them immediately deployed. “It’s great,” praised a schoolgirl Margaret and Sarah. The tape was a lot of interest among the elderly. “I think it’s good, especially at dusk on a walk. I’m sure we’ll use it,” promised the couple shaking.

“It’s great, it is least visible. We use reflective accessories, even children have to dress and act plays, “revealed Peter’s mother.

“I use a flashlight, because the greater part of the year I live in a cottage on the Resave and constantly walk the path. This is new and I’m glad I got it, “said her Yaroslavl Hrbek.

The event also acknowledged the regional coordinator BESIP Zeneca Patoka. “The more people use safety reflective elements, the better. I’m sure it will have a positive impact on pedestrian safety and reduce accidents, “he concluded.

Drivers and pedestrians shall both wear reflective garments

Dark clothes, dark and alcohol, all this played a role in the accident, which happened on Saturday at about half past ten in the evening between Milo vice and the Hare. The driver of a car already missed respond to pedestrians in dark clothes without reflective material, which moved near the middle of the road. Clash took twenty-eight man injured, the extent of which cannot yet be clarified.

The driver panicked after the accident and went to a restaurant in nearby Advice where police soon found him. “When the breath test has blown 0.24 per mile,” she said on Monday, a police spokesman Kamala Haraštová.

Twenty-nine male police officers confessed to the accident. He claimed that alcohol is ingested after the accident. “When the drinking occurred, shows an analysis of collected blood. We are waiting on the outcome, “spokeswoman did not want to make premature conclusions.

Walker, who ended up in hospital, breathed more – over two and a half percent. The driver against the indicted is a matter for further investigation and expertise. “In the game, however, remains whether the driver will not confess to the crime of failure to provide assistance,” mentioned Haraštová.

Reflective elements

Now alcohol strengthening pedestrians and cyclists on the roads with the onset of warm days in eastern Moravia become a nightmare for drivers. Just last year, caused in the region pedestrians “under the influence” three and cyclists even 24 accidents. “It’s a problem. I myself was a witness to the fact that we almost collided pedestrian who was walking along the road at night and in the dark. I therefore welcome when policemen handing out at events reflective tape, “said Mare Sulky of Great Pavlov.

According Haraštová main problem is not so much the number of accidents, as their tragic consequences. Clashes with “ovíněnými” adventurous motajícími the road is often ends in serious injury or death. “A typical example is unlit road between led nice and vatic. Significantly help any reflective element,” she nocturnal pedestrians vyrážejícím from basements and pubs police spokesman.

The problem is besides alcohol also that many walk on the wrong side of the road. For cyclists, then bad light bike, “said Mach. And it confirmed that the most serious accident, pedestrians and cyclists usually are related to alcohol.

It also remains a problem at the wheel, which was confirmed on Monday morning accident at Borkovany. The driver of Skoda Forman was arriving from Brno, mishandled control and drove into the opposite, where he clashed with Skoda Felicia. Measurement of alcohol showed that man behind the wheel Forman drove three percent.

After the accident, both drivers had to be taken to hospital. “According to initial information would fortunately not be a serious injury,” informed on Monday, a police spokesman Haraštová wearing reflective safety vest. And she continued. “The roads remained impassable after the accident, colleagues drove traffic shuttling,” described. Road were fully zprůjezdnit only after towing two cars. The resulting damage is around sixty thousand. By Monday recorded the traffic policemen sixteen cases.

New traffic act on reflective elements

A fine of up to 2,500 dollars! Such sanctions should bring the amendment to the Road Traffic Act adopted by the Government. These sanctions threaten pedestrians who are in poor visibility will be outside of the village with protective reflective elements. How many of us knows this new measure, which still must go through the legislative wheel to become?

Improve traffic safety on the roads. It is the intent of the amendment to the road law, which was approved by the government. In the novel, among other things, the obligations of pedestrians wear reflective material for low visibility, thus in darkness or fog on the roads outside the village. In the original draft amendment was that the obligation applied even in the villages, but eventually dropped from the law on the Legislative Council of the Government.

If these elements pedestrians have not, they face a fine of 1,500 to 2,500 crowns. “I’m not a big fan of repressive interventions, we should pedestrians explain that it’s for their safety,” said Transportation Minister Dan Ťok.

And how many of us a new measure if it passes through Parliament and the President signs it, the state? The most basic equipment is not expensive and can be purchased by everyone. In addition to the many security events, these elements are distributed free of charge. Basic reflective tape that you can wrap around your hand or leg costs about 30 to 50 crowns. As well as various pendants and reflective stickers, the price usually ranges between 10 and 50 crowns.

Some have already have problems with reflectors resolved because a number of outdoor clothes, those reflective elements already wearing.

First grade students wear reflective product to keep visible

The student’s first grade elementary Szczecin knows how to be visible, and how to behave safely on the road with reflective tapes. On Thursday (5.03) during the finals of the “Szczecin – safe city” youngest citizens once again remembered about the principles of navigating the roadway, and also how important it is that everyone is walking after dark was attached to the jacket with reflective fabric. The action was organized through the cooperation of the Municipal Police and the Local Government and Culture Promotion Agency. Patronage over the event covered an association City of Vision and Subject Szczecin.

During the finals, which were invited all primary schools in Szczecin with their teachers, their short artistic programs presented youngest first grade students. Class IA SP No. 4 with a tutor Anna Landowska, as well as the IE class of Primary School No 7, which was accompanied by teacher Joanna – sang songs about flares. In this way proved that well aware of the fact that a small band placed somewhere on the arm allows the driver to figure out the right time that is in front of you walking?

The fact that you should carry flares encouraged the younger protégés Local Government and Culture Promotion Agency. They prepared a brief fashion show, which confirmed that wearing reflective product is not only safe but also attractive and can give a lot of fun and joy. In turn, young people from the field of dance and hip-hop culture through its dance with reflective material proved that shiny ties in any case there is nothing to be ashamed of.

In Poland, there is a large number of accidents involving pedestrians – during the grand finale stressed the Younger Spec Paulina of the Municipal Police. – By such action, such as “Szczecin – safe city” we want to encourage all children and all pedestrians to use reflective elements.

The fact that its target been achieved, it can also evidenced by the fact that children with great commitment and takeover participated throughout the event. Moreover, during the finals of the “Szczecin – safe city” representations submitted commander of the first class SM Gregory thanks and handed flowers. – We would like to thank you for taking part in school life – told the students class. – Thank you for providing security while crossing the road on the way to school – added the class students. IA SP No. 4.

At the end of all the children participating in the sport of municipal guards they were given gifts. As part of the “Szczecin – safe city”, each student received first-class reflective bands.