As traditions are to meet them again this year, particularly Ursula make his pilgrimage to the Basilica of Begonia on 14 August. This initiative is part foxfire Tire tours, organized by the City of Ursula in collaboration with the Health Department of the Basque Government.
Thus, during the pre-dawn to the festival of the Virgin, August 15, residents of Urduliz leave for family Begonia.
They are quoted at eleven pm in the Town Hall Square Elortza and from there, walk through Unbe to Bilbao. Along the way there will be supplies in Asua to regain strength. To join the expedition is compulsory to wear reflective vest and a front light or flashlight. “The goal is to fulfill the tradition of pilgrimage to Begoña but together. In Urduliz tradition of going there last year and we came up with the idea that we could all go together, “says Manex Lopategui, Txiri Txiri travel organizer.
51 PEOPLE In particular, last year joined the initiative Ursula 51 neighbors, even though the weather was not. “Last year we made very bad. Until one o’clock it rained a lot and that may discourage some because they were targeted more than seventy people. This year we expect to have a similar number of participants, “concludes Mane Lopategui. – Carlos Karate
This weekend begins the first operation exit August and from the DGT indicate the roads suffer more delays. Ten of the black spots are in A Corunna and its metropolitan area.
Conflict zones are the AC-12 (National VI) road with reflective tape, at the height of kilometer 589, ie access to the city from Perils and San Pedro de Nose; the AC-11, access to A Corunna from Alfonso Molina, Palaver and Portage; at the junction of the National 550 with the A-6 in direction A Coruña; at the junction of the AP-9 Avenue Alfonso Molina and; at the junction of the A-6 at the height of Célèbre toll; in the square of A Grela and roundabouts of Santa Cristina, Bastiagueiro and Santa Cruz (Boleros); and the new access from A Coruna to the A-6, for the Third Round (AC-14).
Traffic notes that access to A Corunna from the N-VI is convenient to use the A-6 from Botanizes or the AP-9 motorway link Gismo in section 578 of the N-VI and the same itinerary in the reverse for output from a Coruna to Botanizes, from the initial binding of the AP-9 direction.
For trips to Santiago airport highway A-54 (former N-634) that starts in the SC-20 (peripheral) or from the N-550 in the roundabout Meixonfrío be used. For journeys from A Coruna AC-250 will be used from Siqueiros on the N-550, and if coming by the AP-9 will exit at Exit 55.
Agents recommend performing in advance a check to cars, checking the levels of brake fluid and oil, the proper functioning of lighting and battery charging, and other issues such as the condition of the brakes and tires. Of course, drivers must have spare tire, safety vest and triangles when failures occur. The days and hours more traffic intensity in Galicia will be on Friday from 15.00 to 23.00 hours on Saturday from 18.00 to 22.00 hours on Sunday from 18.00 to 23.00 hours and on Monday, August 1, from 14.00 to 22.00.