Captain of the Investigation Section Traffic Accident (SIAT) Cachapoal, Gerardo Henríquez said that today is not having the safety vest available at a police checkpoint.
Fernando Avila Figueroa
To date, police have not taken any infringement in the region of O’Higgins by not carry the reflective vest. While the measure is mandatory from January 1.police personnel continues campaigning for the community to purchase this item and so add to your safety kit.
In conversation with the Captain of the Investigation Section Traffic Accident (SIAT) he said that effectively drivers must include the vest to their safety kit, indicating the Traffic Law Article 75, so it may be required by a policeman, in the technical review, or by a municipal inspector.
Henriquez said that what seeks the vest goes beyond the issue infraction because the bottom line is that the person is visible on the road if required alighting before an emergency. He added that the Traffic Law classifies in very serious infringements, serious, less serious and minor. Among the less serious breaches of the decree of the Ministry of Transport and Communications indicated, so as the captain said today, is not having the reflective vest available at a police checkpoint, joined the case not have it.
Captain Gerardo Henriquez added that no offense is placed not vest because such infringement would be added to the Traffic Law, legal change that must come from a motion or a presidential message to deliver to Congress.
With regard to roads, the last weekend only infringements were issued for not respecting the speed limit and non-use of seat belts. There were no violations by non-use vest, as the captain argues that there is still the legal rule stating it as infringement. This requires an amendment to the Traffic Act.
According SEREMI Transportation, Francisco Lara, have delivered vests massively in communes like Pichilemu, considering that the call goes beyond the infringement, since the aim is that the standard is met as a security measure in addition to traditional kit they must carry vehicles. The authority appreciates that according to a study Automobile Club; more than 80% of drivers surveyed see the issue as a good measure.
The authority said that control of Transport have carried out checks, but pursue violations, because the work has been educational and clarify doubts of drivers, such as the price of the vests with reflective tape, subject although market regulation, believes that established stores still have stock, this week joined merchandise will be replenished. It is selling at street which has achieved better grab customers; however, the price of these should be regulated in the coming days. “What interests us is that good coverage in terms of compliance and have a good reception as it is a positive element of security inside the vehicle,” said Lara
Officials of the Community Office, under the First Commissioner San Fernando, invited the community to self-care, delivering reflective backpacks, which can be used at every opportunity to increase their visibility distance.
The activity carried out by the police, took place in the central area of the city, where pedestrians, cyclists and tenants were favored with the delivery of these phosphorescent backpacks.
During the day, Petty Officer Luis Rubio Segovia said that “In its preventive role invites people to self-care, because prevention is always better than cure”.
Similar campaigns have been conducted in different municipalities in the region of O’Higgins, where police used strategically, trying to captivate the attention of as many residents running on the site.
“As Community Office, we have a constant work with people, we always try to leave some teaching, but being able to deliver this reflective implement, makes us a tremendous contribution in reducing traffic accidents, either outrages bystanders or cyclists ” added the manager of the Community Office, Chief Petty Officer, Pablo Jerez Bustamante.
The coming weeks will continue doing similar activities in different provinces of the Region of O’Higgins.