Motorcyclist must circular reflective vest

The government decided to extend the whole country as requiring motorcyclists and their passengers wear reflective vests, which must also be printed with the vehicle control, which also must be placed in the case.


Since its implementation will be mandatory to use these elements, otherwise the police will be enabled to apply financial penalties and even retain rolled, noted from the National Road Safety Agency, the organization that formalized the implementation of the measure.


The purpose of the provision is to reduce acts of insecurity running called “motor chorus” criminals who use motor vehicles to reach the scene of assault and swiftly escape. As these episodes are usually carried out by two people, mandating reflective yellow vests and helmets with registered patent also applies to passenger.


This resolution deadness in the province of Buenos Aires and will be extended to the rest of the country. In this regard, as in Buenos Aires area, those working at service stations may not be fuel for vehicles whose owners do not have vest and helmet and domain printed on each of these elements. Today in San Rafael governs an ordinance that allows stations to refrain sandpipers refuel motorcyclists circulating without the helmet.


In our city the possibility that the measure is concrete safety vest and helmet with generated domain rejection of those who use the bike as transportation. In that sense, the closing of this edition began a rally at kilometer zero where local motor queries would say “No” to the provision of imminent force in San Rafael.

Those who refuse this provision argue that it is “discriminatory” and can be easily compromised.

Reflective element is first discovered by a manager

Rudy Sabah, a micro-enterprise manager in Monteria, has created self-

Rudy Sabah, a micro-enterprise manager in Monteria, has created self-reflecting self-adhesive stickers! He explains the concept.

Rudy Sabah, after obtaining a BTS of visual communication at the Ecolab Brassard in Tours, began his career as a graphic designer in Paris. He remained there four years before moving to Vitter in Ill-et-Villain where he worked as an industrial designer for 10 years.

I was sensitized to the problem of visibility especially that of children, as soon as night falls. How to make them accept to wear a safety device? The idea came to create an accessory customization, playful, design, self-reflective, washable and repositionable multiple times on any smooth surface (clothing, shoes, schoolbags, smart phones, etc.) and even on the skin since The products used are hypoallergenic.

Rudy has therefore devised self-reflecting stickers in self-reflecting fabric enriched with glass beads, coated on the back with a special gel that allows them to be removed and put back at will.

Customers can choose their model from existing collections or have their own decor and their colors, including four-color process. This accessory is useful for pedestrians of course but also for two-wheelers and possibly for animals.

Rudy has set up his micro-business in Monteria where he now resides since July 2015 and has started to identify potential customers. “I contacted first the Road Prevention, the county council, the territorial collectivities, safety vest and so on. Who have shown their interest in this process, which can help make schools more secure.

Initially, I targeted companies and public players. I would also like to contact shops because other uses are possible: for example these stickers can be used as fashion accessories. They are also intended to be collected, exchanged, etc.! He explains the concept.

Rudy Sabah, after obtaining a BTS of visual communication at the Ecolab Brassard in Tours, began his career as a graphic designer in Paris. He remained there four years before moving to Vitter in Ill-et-Villain where he worked as an industrial designer for 10 years.

I was sensitized to the problem of visibility especially that of children, as soon as night falls. How to make them accept to wear a safety device? The idea came to create an accessory customization, playful, design, self-reflective, washable and repositionable multiple times on any smooth surface (clothing, shoes, schoolbags, smart phones, etc.) and even on the skin since The products used are hypoallergenic.

Rudy has therefore devised self-reflecting stickers in self-reflecting fabric enriched with glass beads, coated on the back with a special gel that allows them to be removed and put back at will.

Customers can choose their model from existing collections or have their own decor and their colors, including four-color process. This accessory is useful for pedestrians of course but also for two-wheelers and possibly for animals.

Rudy has set up his micro-business in Monteria where he now resides since July 2015 and has started to identify potential customers. “I contacted first the Road Prevention, the county council, the territorial collectivities, safety vest and so on. Who have shown their interest in this process, which can help make schools more secure.

Initially, I targeted companies and public players. I would also like to contact shops because other uses are possible: for example these stickers can be used as fashion accessories. They are also intended to be collected, exchanged, etc.

Reflective fabric is suitable for workers

Made of waterproof and breathable reflective fabrics, the professional trousers and jackets make it easy for professionals to work in unfavorable weather conditions. High durability and functionality, while a comfortable and fashionable fit make the products perfect for “after hours”.

The Swedish Snickers Work clothing brand presents a new set of clothing dedicated to men doing outdoor work under various weather conditions. Waterproof model 1303 All round Work is designed to work on rainy and windy days. Waterproof and breathable 2-layer fabric, watertight glued seams and double-sided YKK Coil locks meet the highest requirements of the EN 343 standard, protecting against the penetration of moisture during precipitation. The modern cut-out design allows for an excellent fit and additionally protects the lower back against cold in any working position. The profiled sleeves give full freedom of movement and the adjustable hood tightly covers the head and neck, enhancing comfort. The jacket has three practical pockets, including one on the chest – for documents or phones, as well as reflective elements for better visibility and safety in the evenings. The 1303 is available in four fashionable colors: black and red, gray, and grenade in sizes XS-XXXL.

As a supplement to the reflective jacket, Snickers Work clothing offers waterproof pants – the 6901 all round Work is made from waterproof 2-layer fabric. The model is distinguished by high moisture protection – complies with EN 343 water tightness standards and seams and durability and wear resistance. Extra Leg Extensions on the Legs, made of three layers of Coagula hydrophobic material, protect against under flooring and wiping on the edges. Simple and classic cut with lightly profiled trousers gives the trousers a versatile character while providing maximum freedom of movement. The model is designed to be worn alone or applied to ordinary work pants in case of rain. The long zippers on the side of the leg allow quick insertion even without removing the shoe.

When working in cold weather, the All round Work line of reflective rainwear is a comfortable, well-fitting Micro Fleece XTR fleece jacket, model 9438. Made of elastic, fast drying fabric with mesh underarm ventilation, it provides a feeling of freshness and freshness throughout day. Soft inner micro fleece trim adds extra thermal comfort. For protection from wind, the jacket features a high collar and extended sleeves with thumb holes. At the waist and on the left shoulder there are slim pockets with zippers that give the whole sporty appearance. The fleece jacket 9438 can be worn both directly on the body and as a second coat.

Policemen remind people to wear reflective vest

Youngsters could watch the police car and its equipment with reflective tape and quads. In addition, guests have the opportunity to try glasses, which is an educational tool that simulates the impact of alcohol on the human body.

On Sunday, police were invited to open the motorcycle season. Nearly four hundred motorcyclists attended the event. During the event, the cops gave out reflective vests and reflective bands. During the two outdoor events, the officers carried out the activities “I am in danger”. The main objective of the initiative initiated by the Ministry of Interior and Administration is to draw young people’s attention to security issues. Prizes for participants in police competitions were purchased from the Commune Committee for Alcohol Problem Solving. This is another prevention project by police officers promoting safe rest. The District Police Headquarters in Stalwart Wolli visited the students of Primary School No. 4 in Randomizer. The police officers brought the secrets of their work together, talked about safety on the road and in various everyday situations. The students visited the building with great interest. Police officers from the Prevention Department at the meeting not only told about the uniform work, but also interested in all the equipment that is equipped with each policeman. During the meeting, the students watched a blue room, learned where it was being used, and where they were staying.

In addition, children watched police cars and quads and saw the work of forensic technicians. Pupils also watched a show of dog training. Police officers talked to the youngest on road safety. The policewoman reminded the children where to safely cross the road and which side of the street to move. She also reminded me how important it is to wear reflective elements that have a significant impact on our safety. Every child received a reflective band from the police.

Drivers and cyclists should wear reflective vest when on road

On Saturday, January 21, Government Decision no. 965/2016, which amends the Road Code as regards certain rules for drivers and cyclists who wear reflective vest. The normative act also contains the procedure for lifting the machines parked irregularly.

See also new procedures for lifting illegally parked cars. What the Government has established.

Drivers will not be able to overtake cyclists unless they leave one and a half meters of maneuvering space. The recommended lateral distance when overtaking a bicycle will be at least 1.5 m instead of a “sufficient lateral distance”, as it used to be.

Bicyclists who run on public roads will be able to install on their bicycles including car sound warning systems.

Also, fluorescent-reflective elements placed on wheels (so-called “cat eyes”) should no longer be orange in color.

The Bicycle will no longer be equipped with white or yellow light in the front and red with the fluorescent-reflective device at night, or when the visibility is low.

Previously, cyclists had this obligation when traveling on public roads, regardless of the time of the day or the conditions of visibility.

On bicycles, children under the age of seven may be transported, but only by an adult and provided that the bicycle is factory-fitted with a special support or has a device approved for the transport of small ones. Previously, cyclists can carry children less than seven years only if the vehicle was fitted with a special support or if it is built or equipped specifically for the transport of other people, but no reference is made to what age the bicyclist should be.

Bicyclists will not be allowed to circulate within the localities where public lighting does not work or outside the locality without a reflective vest, at night or when visibility is low. Until now, there was no mention of public lighting; the vest must be worn regardless of this condition.

Bicyclists will not be required to wear a helmet when traveling on public roads, according to a government decision adopted last year, which amended and supplemented the Regulation on the Application of Government Emergency Ordinance 195/2002 on Road Traffic. Initially, in the draft decision, there is a proposal that cyclists be forced to wear a safety vest and helmet, but was removed after discussions with bicycle organizations.

Dark athletes need reflective jacket

Recent studies highlight how “I have not seen it” is the main cause of incident for those who move on foot, bike or motorcycle in the city without wearing reflective vest.

Starting from this consideration, the French start-up, Urban Circus, has made Jongleur a jacket designed precisely to avoid unnoticed passage.

The starting point seems to be that of a normal aviator bomber that went to the bigger in the ’90s, so double-face, to which they added a hood and orange cover on a hyper-reflective material that almost seems to be a brightness amplifier visible from 200 meters away.

The orange reflective tape is characterized by a motif that resembles wheels, cut oranges or, in any case, circular circles.

The jacket, although it still needs some further attention, particularly in detail and design, is likely to become an element of indispensable clothing for all those who use the bicycle in the darkest hours, particularly along the darkest provincial roads, where The greater the risk of getting into the perfume “I have not seen it” and hopefully soon comes to permanently supplant the reflective vest that resembles so much the garments of those who work on the road construction sites.

The sale price for this item is 130 € and is available on the manufacturer’s website, although the small sizes are already out of stock, while on the platform it is possible to book the heads of the new collection, which are definitely more sought-after and more attentive.

In short, Jongleur is a reflective jacket that may not please, but we are sure it will become an interesting reference for all those who make clothing for the commuter.

Passengers need wear reflective vest in airplane

Passenger should wear reflective vest and safety knowledge is a key factor in determining the possibility of surviving any danger situation that may occur on a scheduled airliner. Unfortunately, research carried out by civil aviation agencies, and in particular the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has shown serious problems of effectiveness in the instructions that airlines use on board to inform passengers about safety procedures. For this reason, for years FAA reports have invited airlines to consider creating more creative and interactive versions of instructions to make them easier to learn and more engaging for passengers.

A new free application for Android and apple, called “Air Safety World”, now offers the world’s first opportunity to test the interactive aviation guidance for the future. In them, two virtual flight assistants, equipped with their artificial intelligence, guided the user with personalized feedback as he seeks to actively perform the procedures in faithfully replicated 3D airliners. The free application includes interactive experiences on the main safety issues on board: take the brace position, wear the lifejacket, wear oxygen masks, find emergency outlets on the most common types of aircraft Line, and open the various types of aircraft doors.

The app is one of the results of an international research project that I manage and that our HCI Lab from the University of Udine is working with the Cabin Safety Research Team of the FAA. The new training modes were evaluated with user studies, presented at the 8th Triennial International Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference, recently held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The results of the studies have shown that making interactive aviation safety instructions improves their effectiveness: users who received safety instructions through interactive 3D content exploration made fewer mistakes and were faster in performing the procedures, Such as wearing a reflective jacket, in the real world.

In addition to interactive security instructions, “Air Safety World” also explores gasification scenarios, including several different genre games that transform key aviation security messages into fun experiences. Recent air strikes have dramatically demonstrated that messages like ‘leaving all luggages on the plane’ were not received by passengers. Game insertions in the app allow the user to play emergency situations easily, and empirically learn about the effects of correct behavior or not. For example, they put the player with safety vest as the coordinator of the evacuation of a crowd of passengers from the aircraft or they engage with a hurdle run made of emergency doors of planes that need to be quickly opened. Users can also build their own fleet of airliners taken from the real world, inspect them and send them flying to the world.

Reflective jacket has a protective effect on riders

Season fully – the last moment to get the most needed scooter gear. These are undoubtedly the safety vest. And although it may seem that ever warmer weather frees us from the obligation to wear this piece of clothing, yet everyone who has been on a scooter for some time knows that even in the heat it can be quite cool on our bike.

But protection from the cold is not the only function of the jacket that every scooter driver should get. He should – because next to the glove is the primary element of every driver who seriously approaches traveling on a scooter. And what really makes us a jacket at all?

Protects against the cold – riding on the scooter most exposed to the momentum of air is our torso. This means that our body gives away the warmth of practically the largest possible surface. Thanks to that we do not freeze as fast as our internal organs keep warming up. However, when the journey takes a little longer, the cooling is already very severe. This feeling is well known to people who have been riding a scooter for several hours. Then even the warmest bath will not help, because we feel that we are cold inside. It is neither pleasant nor healthy. The reflective vest also protects the areas of the fastest heat loss – arms and hands.

It protects against injuries – already medium quality jackets have special stiffeners and protectors in the most sensitive places. In this way, in the event of an accident, they protect primarily the most vulnerable joints – elbow and shoulder joints. It is not an “iron protection” that will protect us from a truck encounter, but in case of contact with the asphalt is enough. Good jackets also have stiffening on the back. Of course, they are far from the “turtles” motorcycle, but the speed developed by scooters is not astronomical.

Provides better visibility – although in the case of jackets for motorcycles and scooters the dominant color is black, but the latest specials are equipped with special reflective trim. Such white stripes (often very narrow ones) sewn into the clothes very well reflect the light and make us become visible a few hundred meters away. At dusk and at night it can save our lives.

Should you look at her brand when choosing a reflective jacket? Not necessarily. Sometimes it is worth to go to motorbike fairs and look for the most suitable clothes there. Sometimes cheaper models are as well equipped and made as branded ones. However, there are things that you absolutely must pay attention when buying a jacket.

People like wearing safety jacket in winter

Winter is what everyone sees. Indeed, from November to February average temperatures in Poland range from minus nine degrees Celsius to five in plus. In such weather we are hard to gather and train outside with wearing safety vest. With help comes, a brand making components and accessories for Trek.

The Soft shell reflective jacket is the warmest of all the models offered by the American manufacturer. Thanks to Soft shell with 37.5 ™ active particle technology, the clothing is one of the best breathable and waterproof on the market (18,000g / m² / 24 h and 20,000mm respectively).

This fabric perfectly copes with the wind and moisture. Waterproof 20000 mm puts this jacket model among the best on the market. Heavy rain or wet snow was nothing to her, we learned about it several times. Importantly, seams and sliders are also well protected against moisture. The high stand protects our neck, and the fabric on the inside is very soft and pleasant to the touch.

Valois S2 can boast of breathability of 18,000g / m² / 24 h, which again shows that it is a product of the highest quality. Thermal fabric with active particle technology 37.5 ™ on the back and armpits, perfectly drains moisture to the outside.

The safety jacket is so warm that even at low temperatures we do not have to put on many layers that limit our movements. With all our responsibility, we can say that assuming only a boon we will comfortably feel it at a temperature of 10 to about 0 degrees Celsius. Below zero will be the second layer beneath, such as a long sleeve sweater, which will provide the perfect thermal comfort even at temperatures up to about minus 10 degrees Celsius.

Of course, the material itself is not enough. The user also helps to make the cut is much longer, and the entire inside of the bottom of the jacket is covered with anti-roll. In our sleeves, we are waiting for the thumb loops to hold the covers for the whole shoulders.

Utility also improves pockets – two zippered and three traditional, open, like most t-shirts and bicycle jackets. The front pocket is adapted for the phone. Bon trigger thought about those who ride while listening to music. The special output from the headset pocket and the loop on the stand from the inside are very comfortable. In the back, lockable pocket we have a place for personal identification, bank cards and cash.

In short, cold days, security will help with reflective elements and low temperatures counteract the corresponding fit and the previously mentioned Soft shell fabric.

On our own skin we have found out that snow or rain is not terrible. Very good fabric properties allow us to ride at temperatures below zero.

Dirt passers are fond of reflective clothing

This piece of reflective clothing is nothing for fair weather drivers. The jumpsuit belongs to the wardrobe of the hard-boiled mountain bikers for which no weather is too bad outside a round turn. Whether the preemptive advantages of the bike every day, we have re-examined.

The facts speak for themselves, ten thousand water column and respiratory activity, combined with welded and reinforced seams, as well as waterproof tear-proof closures. In addition, there are six air intakes, a sophisticated pocket management and reflective elements. Sounds good, but today there are many functional garments. Here comes however to the part: The part looks simply hammer!

A jumpsuit is a very demanding thing in terms of cut, but it must serve a size a variety of different body proportions. In this case also male and female, is sold as a unisex model. The size S has fit me very well with 172 cm body size. On the upper body pleasantly tight, but not restrictive in movement, tense around the hip and slightly further around the legs. Only the leg length in the sitting position is a little too short. When driving down the stairs it just goes. Depending on the protector, there is no or only a slight overlap with the pants. “Schooner-Gaps” are not only unsightly, but the rainwater from the trousers leg runs directly under the protectors. Pleasant is different. But this is and will be the case with the length of the protectors and the respective body proportions.

For this, the shines with a reflective vest adjustment and adjustable closures on the wrists, so it sits like ne one and there is no feeling. The hood is cut to fit just over an all-mountain helmet, but can also be worn underneath. In integral helmets she covers just half the helmet.

According to Dirtied, the Dirt suit is designed for demanding endures tours and downhill rides. But it is also perfect for classic bike tours, if it is not too warm. Thanks to the various ventilation inlets, Berg is high for a pleasant climate. With a slight continuous rain, he stayed perfectly even over 90 minutes. Even when he had to fight for 30 minutes after the fifth wash, he kept tight. The upper material then sucks up somewhat, but water does not penetrate into the interior. The fabric dries very quickly when the rain falls and only slight residual moisture remains.

However, the overall has two distinct advantages that no other rainwear can offer. Firstly, the dirt where he belongs and he cannot sneak in between some clothes. Secondly, it is very comfortable to wear, no pants that slips when it is soaked with water and mud, so it does not move around the hip nowhere.

Unfortunately one of the first exits has broken one of the zipper levers. According to Dirtied, this has happened in some cases and will be repaired by another product during the next production. In the supermarket there are however for a few francs snap-grips to retrofit and already can be again unrestrained in the mud.

During really heavy rain, the Dirt suit stayed in the wardrobe – except for the some test drives – because then nothing goes on over long dressing. Dirtied has also recognized this and has just released a long version with detachable legs on the market. This version is somewhat more expensive, but from my point of view guarantees the money value.

Thanks to its reflective materials and the inner lining, the Dirt suit is probably a bit too warm in the summer. But from autumn to spring or on cool summer days, there is hardly any more comfortable weather protection. Even after numerous mud battles, he has hardly any wear-offs. The only downside to my taste is that the leg length has been a bit too short for my taste, and it would be an advantage for men to “open” the man’s mouth from below. But that is whining at a high level.