This is Runners world’s favorite item

No running shoes, pants or vests. Markel and Elise from Runners world choose an item that really fits this period of the year: LED Sport Vest. A reflective jacket that provides 360 degree visibility. Handy if you want to run in the dark.


For the last three years Elise and Markel have been responsible for many sporting. At Runners world you cannot only buy sports equipment, but also have it fitted or ask for advice.


360 degree visibility

Do you want to run round in the evening? Then the LED Sport Vest is a must! With four white LEDs on the front and four red LEDs on the back, you stand out well. In addition, there is 360 degrees LED lighting on the reflective vest, so you are illuminated on all sides. In addition to a piece of lighting, reflection is also integrated. So you can safely walk in the dark. For the fans, the sport vest is available in yellow and pink.