Father Jerzy Popieluszko has its knights. They come to him also from Bydgoszcz

In the cold October morning, in front of the church P.W. Stanislaus Kostka in Warsaw’s Żoliborz revolves a lot of people. The crowds are not surprising, eventually buried here is blessed Father. Jerzy Popieluszko, surprising that few men strolling in the vicinity of the tomb bears the reflective safety vest with the inscription “Solidarity Bydgoszcz” and registered IDs.

Was there was any anniversary? After a brief conversation already we know everything. It guards the tomb of Fr. Popiełuszki or knights – so wakeful are called in Poland, for 32 years, every day and every night, regardless of weather, on duty (and civilians and the people of Solidarity, which was officially incorporated in the guard in 2012) at the grave of his hero, Father Jerzy.

Jan monarch of Bydgoszcz “Solidarity”, associated with the Chaplaincy of the Working People, a longtime employee plant “Eltry” goes to the capital for three years. While serving in last weekend watched hours: 22-23, 4-, 5, 11-12, 14-15. The remaining time, like other knights spent in a room behind the sacristy. You cannot go take a nap on a mattress, eat, drink, what is important especially in the winter. Jan monarch explains how he came impetus to the service, which now gives about 300 people with reflective tape from across the Polish. In the first year after the death of the priest it was not until 3000 guards. – It started with the news that SB months or they will try to steal the body of the priest, or defile them – explains activist. – They suspected that such attempts were undertaken during the renovation of streets running along the church, the undermined machine into the ground. Throughout Poland announced the alarm. The Security Service of the actions of a very studied. On the floor of the house vis-a-vis the church sat agent with the camera. Filmed, observed – until 1989 – everything that is happening around the church. Repression was not. Why are we here today? The truth needs of their people at any time – says the activist, who for telling the truth frequented criticized more than once, which means he did not hesitate in a state of war dropping leaflets from the very top of the Palace of Culture and Science and opieczętowywać government announcements-Solidarity emblems.

Who will pay for it?

Among enthusiasts it is also more than 30 years, Marian Włazik (former chairman of the estates Łęgnowo – Hamlet, 30 years employee Zachem). The idea of ​​service at the tomb of Fr. George has infected his wife Sophia and children who also take their children to Warsaw. Over the years, he is not spared persecution because of the roster at the grave of the priest. – I made over 400 staff at the tomb. Once a year, driven privately, and with five, six as a member of the Oblates of St. Brotherhood. Bridget House Bydgoszcz (Gdańsk organization, founded by the Rev.. Henryk Jankowski). This is the only house in Poland, which has survived for years 80.- More than once asked: who is paying us, after which we come. Meanwhile, we care about social order around the grave – says Mr. Marian who wearing a reflective jacket. It boasts a friendship with the family Popiełuszków. Mother, Marianna Popieluszko, often frequented in the state Włazików, when would come to Bydgoszcz. Contact with the family is still, but the priest Jerzy.

– Over the last two days I had with each other relics of the first degree (a piece of the cube with the hand), which drove to the church in Płonkowie. The third time now I bring the relics of Father. George churches of the diocese. I was also the only group in Bydgoszcz, who said goodbye at home mom ks. George. I recommend an excellent book about her, Fri. “The mother of the holy.” From the tomb we do not leave, even after the canonization of Fr. George, when the body will be placed in the church. There will be a symbolic worth. New volunteers are welcome.