Do you know how and where to place the emergency stop sign?

Although drivers do not expect or wait for an emergency, they need to wear a reflective vest with reflective tape and an emergency stop sign in addition to a fire extinguisher, a safety kit and driving. However, do drivers know how to properly place this sign and what else to do?

Driving instructor Paulius Kazėnas says that keeping this right is not always given enough attention and that drivers who get caught in an emergency are often forgotten about how to behave. “The first thing to do in a situation like this is, of course, to turn on the emergency light. However, this alone is not enough and regardless of the time of day, it is recommended to wear a bright colored reflective vest before leaving the car for better visibility,” the specialist said.

However, before doing this, alone, again, this is not enough – you also need to put up an emergency stop sign. The Road Traffic Code (KET) stipulates that if the vehicle is parked at a standstill where the vehicle is stopped by other road users less than 100 meters away, the driver of a motor vehicle, tractor, to place an emergency stop sign immediately on the side of the carriageway on the side of the carriageway: not less than 25 m in settlements and not more than 50 m from settlements in non-settlements. potentially impaired visibility of the vehicle to other drivers. The instructor also advised that the estimated distances can be estimated in steps.

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