A reflective tour around the province is underway

Today, the students of the General Education School in Gemological in the Greece district received reflective tapes.

This is another edition of the “You are visible, you’re safe” campaign, organized by the Provincial Road Traffic Center in Radium and the Marshal’s Office of the Mackenzie Comradeship. Over 120 students of grades I-VII received safety vests. They had the opportunity to practice their skills on a bicycle obstacle course. They also familiarized themselves with the principles of first aid and road safety.

– Today the children got sets with four reflective materials. These are two wristbands that can be put on your arm, leg and two pendants, which you can attach to your backpack or keys – said Tomas Godzilla from the Marshal’s Office.

– In addition to education, safety and health are in the first place. This campaign should be promoted by all schools to make young people aware that this safety is the most important thing for their lives – said Atalanta Tomcat, the director of ZSO.