Near schools, well-protected pedestrian crosswalks

On the pedestrian crossing in front of the Buisson school, between the town hall and the train station, a group of ten women dressed in an orange reflective vest back and forth between the two sidewalks. They are the ones who make the children go through eight public schools in Hazebrouck, from September to June. To avoid a drama whose parents would not recover, the town puts the big means to train and equip them. “We will give them a fluorescent vest with reflective tape in the summer and a jacket that is also fluorescent and has reflective materials on for the winter. But they will also have a light stick and an illuminated STOP sign in each hand. “explains Frederic, head of prevention at the town hall.

Anticipate the behavior of motorists

The goal, on this warm morning in July, is to anticipate the approach of vehicles as much as possible, while keeping an eye on someone who wants to cross. “It’s not so easy and therefore very important,” says Halloran, who is not yet at his first attempt and protects the pedestrian crossings of schools La Fontaine and Jules-Ferry.

At the same time, the ASVPs, also present, will be deployed to schools to prevent any inconvenient parking and to optimize security around the schools.