Reflective vests and steering wheels can provide safety

Police Corporations of the three levels of government and the Army carry out the new operation, through which they install randomly in various points to detect the possible commission of a crime, in addition to providing security to tourists that every day they arrive or pass through the region to distribute reflective vests.

Last Monday a meeting was held between representatives of the various police corporations, in which the strategies and actions to be carried out were considered.

The following day (last Tuesday) a checkpoint was installed on the federal free highway towards Cancun, on the cruise to the police station, where a driver of a private car was arrested because he was carrying in his bag a pack of cigarettes and three marijuana cigarettes, so it was put at the disposal of the Attorney General’s Office. However, the subject was released after checking that the amount of drug he was carrying did not exceed what the law allows, besides that he said it was for consumption.

The day before yesterday, a checkpoint was installed on the toll road, at kilometer 165, where the police, in coordination with the Canine Unit of the Public Security Secretariat (SSP) of the State Government, reviewed the vehicles that circulated through there.

Then they moved again to the entrance to the police station and at night they were at the gates of the 32nd Military Zone, on the outskirts of the city.

They distribute hi vis vests

At each of the roadblocks, drivers were recommended to remove their two and three smoke polarized and reflective vests with reflective tapes were distributed to cyclists and motorcyclists, even those who drive tricycles, so they can use them to prevent road accidents.

Flyers were also distributed with some exhortations, such as driving with responsibility respecting the speed limits, checking your car before driving, using seat belts, avoiding talking on the phone while driving and not driving tired or under the influence of any drug or alcohol, among other accident prevention measures.

It was reported that the operation will continue in a random manner and will be installed at different points to mislead the drivers, so that they do not know where they are.

Some guiders expressed their support because the surveillance gives them greater security, while others expressed their annoyance due to the delay for and during the revisions, which caused delays.