Lights and reflective vests for unprotected road users

Bicycle is becoming increasingly popular means of transport, and cycling trips are a favorite way of spending free time. There are also people who take the bike for their sporty passion, or they think that a wheelchair is a great alternative to a car or public transport. To enjoy the holiday comfort and pleasure of riding a bike, police officers from the Social Prevention Team of the Police Headquarters in Lublin, 27.07.2017, carried out preventive actions, as part of the campaign “Turn me on safety”, in which they gave bikers lamps and Reflective vests, funded by the foundations of KGHM Polkas Mired SA.


Since pedestrians are also particularly vulnerable groups in road crashes, police officers also hand out reflective vests at the time of the crash, and resemble the basic principles of how to navigate the road. The action met with great acceptance and satisfaction. Thanks to lighting and reflectors, people will be more visible and thus safer on the road.


Taking into consideration the high interest in the activities and the visible on the road improving the awareness of people who are increasingly moving with safety vest, reflectors and efficient lighting, the Libyan police announced the autumn resumption of action.


– The policemen also recall that one of the most important rules of road safety is to: be visible and visible. The amended Road Traffic Law requires all persons who, after dark, to move in undisturbed areas, must use reflective elements. A cyclist, or pedestrian, who moves at dusk without glare, can see the driver at a distance of about 20 meters. Visible reflections increase this distance to over 150 meters – says the young asp.


Remember, however, wearing such items is not only a duty, but above all our safety! One small reflective tape can save our lives.