Functional reflective work wears to feel good

In the clothing of employees schlep two main objectives: The use of advanced work wear is to offer employees enhanced functionality, safety and comfort and a modern design. Simultaneously, the system provider for industrial assembly wanted to govern the provision of work wear reflective vest.

Experienced partners took Schlep in the work wear specialists Keble and the dealer for Occupational Safety and Work wear Eyelet GmbH.

“After more than ten years of use the same clothing line it was time to bring the outfit on the present state,” explains Got Schlitz, Regional Director at Schlep. Under his leadership, a project team created with representatives from all departments and the works council the duties and accompanied the tender. Given the wide range of services ranging from industrial assembly on machine removals up to the relocation of entire production sites it was necessary to take into account diverse needs. From the new Work wear was expected that it combines a modern, matching the corporate image appearance is pleasant to wear, robustness and security.

Particular attention put the team on the updating of the security-related features amenities such as knee pads and reflective strips. It was also important from the same series, a color combination for Schlep assembly and a second for the specialized maintenance, upgrading and certification of machines and presses an employee of PTC Press Engineering GmbH is able to provide. “We want to make visible to the outside, that the employee Schlep and PTC belong to a group of companies,” says Schlitz. The desire for a uniform with reflective tape appearance drew also the employees who perform in refineries and tank farms montages.