Everything for a safe way to school

For the fourth time, the beginning of the school year will be marked by prevention with the road safety campaign “Red stands, the child goes”. The children learn to walk across the street only when the wheels of the vehicle are stationary. Of course, the handlebars are also encouraged to complete. However, it is not always easy to notice the silhouette of a child in the rain or at dawn. That’s why visibility is very important. Since 2013, the TCS has already distributed half a million safety vests to first graders.

Just in time for the start of school in 2018, the road safety campaign “Red stands, the child goes” starts. It is supported by the TCS, the Accident Prevention Service, and police, which work locally with the communities and schools. A successful campaign because it is perceived and understood by more than 90 percent of motorists. Nevertheless dangerous situations arise daily because the children are seen too late.

The risk of not being seen is higher in the early morning and at night than during the day. It even multiplies by a factor of 10 in rain or snow. In the dark, an automobile driver only recognizes a person in dark clothing at a distance of 25 meters – this can be too late, depending on the situation. If this person wears reflective clothing, it can be perceived from a distance of 140 meters. This enables road users to react in good time.

Half a million safety vests soon to be distributed in order to help children see them better and faster on their way to school, the TCS has been distributing around 140,000 reflective triangles every year to kindergarten teachers and pupils aged four to seven years. This action is funded by the Road Safety Fund. Since 2013, TCS has been distributing 80,000 safety vests throughout Switzerland for the larger primary school pupils (eight to nine years). In total, there will be nearly half a million West this year, distributed by the TCS sections in cooperation with public authorities, to increase security.

Trendy clothing and accessories for the bigger ones, of course, the fashion industry has not missed the fact that the safety vest does not inspire everyone. That is why the TCS and the police have been using the MADE VISIBLE campaign for a year to encourage people to wear clothes and accessories with reflective materials. This label will be visible on all new uniforms of the school traffic service in the future. The mission of this service is to ensure the safety of children on the way to school. Co-financed by the German Road Safety Fund, this year around 3000 safety vests, 1000 jackets, and 3500 caps will be distributed to the transport helpers throughout Switzerland.