Police officers appeal for safe returns from holidays

Holidays are slowly coming to an end. All travelers have the same goal – a safe return from holidays. Let’s be careful! May increase vigilance and common sense accompany us on our way back from summer rest. Excessive rush, bravado, fatigue, absentmindedness, routine are just some of the factors conducive to unhappy accidents.


Police officers appeal for increased caution to all road users!


Remember the principle of limited trust in relation to other road users. Try to anticipate situations that may find you on the road. Stay alert. Do not let yourself be surprised by routine. Adjust the driving speed to road conditions. Remember the elementary rules of traffic: adherence to road signs and signals, fastening seat belts, carrying children in car seats, driving with lights on, preventing excessive fatigue at the wheel.


If you are riding a bicycle, remember: the bike must be properly equipped – a red light at the back and a pulsing white light in the front, an efficient brake and a bell. You should also have a helmet and reflective elements such as a reflective vest or headband which is made of the reflective fabric. This significantly increases your safety when riding a two-wheeled vehicle.


If you are walking, especially after dusk, be sure to wear a reflective vest or other reflective clothing. You become more visible and increase your safety! Remember that when there is no sidewalk and you use the roadside or roadway you have to move on the left side of the road, so that the arriving vehicles are in front of you.