The safety of pedestrians in traffic

Welcome to Czech said. Today we have a current topic for you – the safety of pedestrians in traffic.


Reflective clothing – reflective clothing becomes mandatory in certain situations for pedestrians in the Czech Republic. A pedestrian – codec must then wear safety vest – reflective vest, a reflective stripe – reflective tape or other reflective elements – reflective elements on clothes.


In addition, that applies in the dark, rain, or fog on streets, which have neither sidewalk – footpath nor lighting. Reflective clothing is made of a material that reflects light, the light that comes from a headlight, that is, a reflector. The reflection significantly increases the visibility of the pedestrian, and therefore motorists – overlook, do not so easily overlook it.


Reflecting means reverberating, a reflection is okras. In philosophy the reflection reflexes means the perception of one’s own mental activity, sometimes it is used as a synonym for reflection – thinking and reflection – reasoning. A consideration is called in Czech treatise or reflexes.


To reflect on something – reflect on something means to be interested in something to apply for something. Next time we talk about the reflective material.