Pink reflective vest for hens

According to the manufacturer, the safety vest protect the hens not only from road traffic, but also from adverse weather, and small farm animals will remain clean, dry, and warm. Isolation is particularly suited for poultry chickens that have fewer feathers and are therefore more susceptible to ambient temperature.


Reflective vests for hens began to be produced on customer request.

However, the manufacturer recommends removing the clothes at night so that the hens do not overheat. Nor does it recommend its use at high outdoor temperatures.


Jane Haworth of the British Hen Welfare Trust, who oversees hen breeding in the UK, is of course pleased with the outfits. “They are one of the most sensible things on the market. Because they were demanding, it turns out that people are beginning to keep the hens like their lovers.” At the same time, he hopes that people will stop the hens from wearing them in knitted clothes where they can get tangled.


Just ten days after the start of the sale, about two hundred customers bought the high visibility vest via the Internet. Meanwhile, customers are clearly winning pinks against yellow in a 2: 1 ratio.