Cyclists required a reflective jacket but no helmet

Effective from today there is the new rules of the road. Take the obligation to wear a reflective vest in the evening hours and in tunnels. Deleted, however, the compulsory use of helmets for children under 14


Pedaling in the evening? It can, but only with a reflective vest. And ‘one of the major changes in force from today, the new rules of the road that forces cyclists to wear a mandatory vest or suspenders reflective high visibility in the evening – by half an hour after sunset to half an hour before sunrise – and always in the gallery. The new provision extends the obligation, already envisaged in 2004 for car drivers, to use the high visibility warning clothing. For bicycles the vest will be mandatory on the open road, for those who break the new regulations are provided for fines of 23 Euros.


The vests and suspenders, according to European standard UNI EN 471, must be of a durable color to rubbing, perspiration, washing and ironing and have to endure the outbreak of knitted materials, water vapor, traction and tearing of coated and laminated fabrics. As for the marking and information to be provided to the manufacturer, the standard refers to the requirements defined in the UNI EN 340 and states that on the garment is applied to a pictogram in which they reported the class of the garment and the class the retro reflective material performance. These other innovations of the Highway Code in force today:


The bicycle helmet, no longer mandatory for children under 14

Mandatory for younger children under the age of fourteen, in the final version of the law 120/2010 has been completely deleted.


In motion only with helmet

Now riders can no longer wear the old helmets ‘to bowl’, out of business since 1 September 2004 and no longer verifiable by 2003. Under only the whole or jet helmets (with adequate side protection) approved according to UN-ECE regulations. The reform of the Code also provides for the testing of electronic helmet (connected to the motorcycle via Bluetooth).


Revision, bikes as cars

All motorcycles are subject to review every four years after enrollment (the first) and every two (successive). Also the safety vest is required.