Police in rural divides 4,000 reflective vests

ERGO Insurance gave more than 4,000 police safety vest. They are divided into rural areas for pedestrians and cyclists more visible in the dark self-making.
Police distributes reflective vests traffic during NMT who have either the time or the traffic resulting from a higher risk to get into an accident, informed the police and the Border Guard.
PPA policing Police Superintendent Rhino Tamaki said the mandatory non-motorized reflector when it is dark, unfortunately, only the minimum safety program. “On roads outside the vehicle speeds greater than the consequences of a car crash on foot or by bike road users extremely tragic. Therefore, the night-time settlements in low light or when using road traffic in the self as well making visible paramount, “said Tanoak.
ERGO Insurance gave more than 4,000 police reflective vests. They are divided into rural areas for pedestrians and cyclists more visible in the dark self-making.
Police with reflective uniform distributes reflective vests traffic during NMT who have either the time or the traffic resulting from a higher risk to get into an accident, informed the police and the Border Guard.
PPA policing Police Superintendent Rhino Tamaki said the mandatory non-motorized reflector when it is dark, unfortunately, only the minimum safety program. “On roads outside the vehicle speeds greater than the consequences of a car crash on foot or by bike road users extremely tragic. Therefore, the night-time settlements in low light or when using road traffic in the self as well making visible paramount, “said Tanoak.