For a safe Halloween day

On Wednesday, disguised children will storm the streets to take part in the traditional Halloween candy picking. For this evening to take place safely, the Surtees du Québec recalls some safety instructions.

See and be seen

It is important to make sure your child be visible as many pedestrians and motorists will drive at dusk, a time when visibility will be reduced. It is advisable to choose a Halloween costume with light colors and reflective tape for clothing. We also recommend bringing a flashlight with you.

Finally, focus on makeup rather than wearing a mask, to allow your child to better see and hear what is happening around him.

During the evening, children should always:

Determine a journey and time of return with their parents;

Stay in a group or with the accompanying adult;

Cross the streets at intersections;

Walk only one side of the street at a time;

Have the candies inspected by their parents before eating them.

During the evening, children should never:

To enter the house or the car of a stranger;

Follow a stranger, whether by car or on foot.

Wear a reflective vest with reflective materials at night when you go outside.

Motorists, a call for vigilance.

The police are asking for the cooperation of motorists who will have to be particularly vigilant and travel at low speed in residential areas, giving priority to children who will roam the streets.

Precautionary principle

Recall that the Principle of Prudence was introduced in the Highway Safety Code last April. This principle is aimed at all road users and provides, among other things, that every road user must act with caution and respect, especially towards the most vulnerable that he, when traveling on the road network. Vulnerable users are required to adopt behaviors that promote their safety.

For more information about safety rules and to test your safety knowledge for Halloween night, we invite you to take the test which is available on the website of the Societies de l ‘assurance automobile du Québec.

Some tips to reduce the risk of collision

Seeing and being seen is essential in road traffic.

With the change of time last weekend, many pedestrians move at nightfall. This results in an increased risk of accidents since drivers often do not see them well or notice them only at the last moment. Road Safety Luxembourg ASBL, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures and the Police recall some tips to reduce the risk of collision:

Pedestrians: be visible!

Wear clothing with a built-in reflective material, armbands, jackets, reflective tape for clothing, umbrellas, reflective pads – all accessories for long-distance viewing by motorists.

Walk in front of traffic on country roads and wear the mandatory safety vest.

Consider the speed and distance of vehicles approaching before entering the roadway. Make sure you are seen by motorists.

Put a reflective collar on your dog.

Joggers: be visible!

Wear reflective armbands and wear clothing with integrated reflective elements.

Wear a safety vest that is mandatory if you take the road out of town.

Cyclists: be visible!

Make sure the lights and reflectors of your bike are in good condition.

Wear a helmet and a vest or other reflective accessory.

Compulsory bike equipment:

A doorbell

Two brakes

A white or yellow light before

At least 2 reflectors per wheel or continuous reflective tape on the tires

Reflectors on the pedals

A red reflector

A red rear light

Motorists: be visible!

Turn on the lights when visibility conditions require.

Report your maneuvers in good time.

Adapt your speed.

Make sure windows and vehicle lights are clean (in winter cleared of snow or ice).

Take into account the potential errors of vulnerable users in traffic.

The police expelled the deaf-eyed foreigners

The police expelled two Ukrainians who went to Piles between cars at a junction and tried to play the drivers in the city. The paper had been written that they were deaf-monkeys, suffered from existential need, and each sold-out reflective tape for clothing at least 40 crowns helped them survive hard times.


A man in a vest with a reflective stripe clicked on the window of the car standing in front of the junction. There was a paper in his hand, he is not a beggar, but a deaf-eater in need, who will help him buy a reflex tape or a sticker for 40 crowns. When he failed at one car, he went to the next. A pair of men last Friday to drive around stand cars at one of the busiest intersections in Piles. The wagons intertwined until the green lights turned green. However, the chauffeurs did not leave it to themselves and the police officer with human solidarity to warn the officers. The man’s patrol was still spotted.


“When a police officer called for identity, the men presented the passports of Ukraine. They refused to communicate with the patrol and began shouting to indicate that they were deaf, “said police spokesman Jana. At a time when the police officers wanted documents that they had permission to sell souvenirs, men stopped answering questions. The case was taken over by the Alien Police. For both foreigners it was the last thing they did to us. The police have expelled them from engaging in unauthorized gainful employment.


“They violated the conditions for stay in the Czech Republic, they had tourist visas. Now they have to travel to their country, “Martina Koran, regional police spokeswoman, explained. No one wanted to confirm whether the two men were actually physically handicapped as they tried to persuade the driver.


However, everything indicates that disability was pretending. Apparently, they just upgraded the trick of the Romanians, who in the past had been a deaf earner of money for UNICEF projects. Three years ago, police officers in reflective vest revealed several times in collecting money for non-existent charity projects.