Basic human instincts and Brexit

Many times I tried to sell the idea that the Czechs are no more xenophobic than the British. Thursday Brexit not fully proved. It showed that over 50 percent of Britons are xenophobes, because nothing else was Brexit. It also showed that in reality working hypothesis that a certain proportion of the population are foreigners in reflective vest welcome and from a certain proportion of the indigenous population are becoming a nuisance. Equally valid is that whatever punishments will sebetvrdší just a certain part of the population will steal. It works between people and it works as well as between other animal communities – such birds. Englishmen jumped to the bait that behind their worsening living conditions may immigrants from the former Eastern Bloc, because it is more natural response than long considering the fact that the nose is pulling their own elites.
Factually speaking, originally a relatively generous social network in the UK is constantly tightening. Many social benefits to which the postwar UK government forced through fear of socialist revolution, the salami tactics chipping. They say there is no money, and these immigrants are also generous social benefits abuse. What does it matter that immigrants in England originally came mainly doing work that Englishmen do not want. And like the English people of East Bloc also pegged. They are the ones who are doing hands while they are managers. When they lose their job, they should not want anything, they should be grateful for what they have earned to date and leave. Rowan Atkinson in his speech to the Conservative summed up like this: I personally like curry, but now that you have the recipe, I see no reason why they should stay. (Here meant for Indians and Pakistanis). But thanks to Brussels, they immigrants have rights almost the same as in English and try to use them. For this they are blamed authorities in Brussels and falsely blamed immigrants. For many Britons, for example, it is also incomprehensible why should immigrants to claim unemployment benefits after working here, pay into the social system, but then lost the job and returned home, and this aid would be paid in their home country. That’s unfair. An unfair apparently considered by the British government, and thus not send money to the Czech Republic, who were these people paid from funds in the Czech Republic. In this case, the optics of those who want to understand, Brussels harmed Britain because somehow guaranteed and those from the East to receive money when they no longer work.
One of the still surviving remnants of the postwar era in Britain’s free health system (NHS), which circumscribed and former socialist Czechoslovakia. Another part of this system in Scotland is still a well-functioning system of allocating state housing and works well especially for single mothers. Although this system has already suffered some reduction. Dissatisfaction that immigrants can both use of the systems as well as natives occasionally flashes printing. But overall it is a social network in Scotland yet much softer than in England, so maybe because it is in Scotland against immigrants much less resistance than in England.
Not that the government in Westminster did not try to cut the social network itself, and not only at the behest of government in Brussels. For example, the above mentioned NHS in England is under attack and the English government with him again salami tactics trying to privatize. This causes frustration for older people in England who have experienced and socially favorable periods than this, and they wrongly blame on Brussels and immigrants. Young, of course, nothing like this cannot do because they do not make the comparison. Perhaps this is precisely the reason for the difference in votes between young and old people, and not only that young people are progressive while the old Sun. Indeed, it will be very interesting to the postwar generation of engineers and technicians retire and further technical development of Britain remains on the young and progressive.
Positive attitude towards immigrants in Scotland is probably different because, at present, Scotland is developing positively, unlike the era of Margaret Thatcher, which damaged Scotland in favor of England. Scots therefore have no reason to be dissatisfied with the EU because of the overall situation has improved. It is also seen in Glasgow alone, even when crime is significantly lower than it used to be before, because people have better.
UKIP cleverly used the frustration of people in England and instead offered a positive alternative reprisals against those who can not defend themselves. This still fanned the flames of David Cameron, who offered people something actually did not even think seriously, just to secure his position in the government, and thought that it simply by Hungary. He bet again on the campaign of intimidation as the referendum on the independence of Scotland, but this time it did not work at full capacity, because if you burn too frequently calls people to stop responding. It is also a question of how well the feelings of ordinary people to understand the man who grew up in an elite environment, graduated from elite schools, has never worked hands and their proximity to the people presents that when floods dresses up to social suit and tie boots, safety vest and helmet and goes to show in front of the camera, as with the people. That alone represents the royal family is much better.
Something about the mindset of these elites says also that instead of the strongest EU member states agreed in Brussels on how quickly even out wages in the former Eastern bloc countries to the level of the old members and so completely removed why should those from East to migrate to the west, there was only the fact that nivelizovala price of goods and production moved to Eastern European countries, where just the employees who use their hands can pay less and, therefore, those who wear a tie, they can receive more, the more the price goods throughout the EU basically leveled. Therefore, those who wear a tie, voted to stay in the EU, while those who use their hands to vote for performances. The truth is that as powdered milk or food for child stands in the Czech Republic more than in the UK, while lower production costs and significantly (one-third to half), lower wages in Eastern European countries.
Instead of removing injustice and robbing East Europeans, however, David Cameron picked up and in order to placate public opinion in England, went to convince our leaders that they should agree to limit support for migrant children in reflective tape, because the children of East Europeans with hyperbole, probably just eat just one in two days, while the children of indigenous people need to eat every day. And unfortunately, our government is afraid of what would God forbid Britain withdrew from the EU, this shameful requirement walked.
In this situation, when the former Eastern Europe is economically stable than some of the old members of the core of the EU, ie Germany, instead of consolidation ratios at the expense of profits elites trying to advance eastward and secure additional markets. I do not paint the devil on the wall, or perhaps something to compare to anything, but the Third Reich collapsed on the fact that Hitler decided to invade Russia before the victory over the cap in Britain. Likewise, the collapse of the EU, because it will try to expand east sooner than you solve the problems in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy, and over time may be patience and eastern Europeans, because tolerate the feeling of being regarded as an EU citizen the second category can only be for a time.