Way to school. How to ensure the safety of the child

End holidays, and this means that from September 1, at pedestrian with safety vest crossings will be more children. They are particularly vulnerable – distracted and inattentive may not notice the approaching car. Therefore, drivers should exercise extreme caution, especially around schools.

Pedestrian crossings are by definition places that allow pedestrians safe passage to the other side of the street. Therefore usually we meet them in built-up areas, at places such as schools, offices, hospitals and shops. – The driver must absolutely stop before entering the crosswalk, if he sees approaching the belts person. Many drivers do not yet have such a habit, so a pedestrian crossing the road should also observe whether not come under the speeding wheels of the car – says Zbgniew Wesel, director of the School of Safe Driving Renault.

The child to be safer as a participant with reflective tape of the road, parents should teach them how to properly cross the road. Most children learn from their parents, so it’s important that the parent was a child model, created the appropriate behavior patterns and it consistently inculcated at every opportunity. It is no different from teaching proper crossing the road. Your child should explain the basic rules of behavior on the belts. – First of all, before moving should stop, look around, look first to the left, then right and left again when the vehicle is coming, go on the road stride, but never run up – advice the coaches Safe Driving School Renault.

Visibility on the road

Child safety also depends on whether it will be properly reflected on the road, especially in autumn, when the days are getting shorter and faster nightfall. – To our child was safe, just attaching evens a small reflective element to a backpack or jacket sleeve. It also dresses them up in coats in bright colors, so that the driver will notice earlier child. Especially in cloudy weather or at dusk – an expert advises.