Police in safety vest visited the families of the orphanage

Policemen wear reflective vest visited the family home at Konawa is home to one of three family homes “Ewe”.

There were many topics to talk about: safe moving around the city, paying attention to strangers, dangerous scams and respect for the other person.


Children were particularly interested in what the police were doing with regard to minors. The policewoman in reflective clothing gave them some positive and negative examples to keep children and adolescents able to influence their whole lives.


There was also a discussion about the relationship between the household members. There was talk of respect, mutual help, and the building of good family climates that help each other. Children got educational booklets, reflective items and safety vests.

Keep your safety with safety vest when meet Vehicle failure

First and foremost, we must take care of our safety. First, when the vehicle is immobilized, we should turn on emergency lights. The next step should be to put on a reflective vest – every driver, even if he does not have a legal obligation in Poland, should have it in his car.


Ideally, if the car had a vest for all passengers, remember to keep the vests in your cabin rather than in the hard-to-reach luggage compartment. The cost of buying a vest is small and its impact on immense security. After dusk no glare, we are only visible to the oncoming driver when it is 20 meters ahead – reflections increase this distance to 130 meters. This is a huge difference that gives the driver time to respond appropriately. In addition, note that reflective vests in most European countries are already mandatory vehicle equipment.


In the event of a car failure, do not sit in the vehicle

Wearing safety vests, the driver and passengers should safely leave the vehicle. Being in a vehicle exposes us to additional risks. Many people are killed in vehicle immobilization. The speed, bad marking of a broken vehicle, difficult road conditions cause drivers to crash into a broken car.

“Let’s pay special attention to children when leaving the vehicle. Let’s make sure they get off the right side and without hitching on the side of the road behind security barriers or in a zone where there is no risk of getting into another vehicle, “advises ŠKODA Auto School instructor Jackal.

The vehicle in addition to emergency lights should be marked with a warning triangle. Every car must have a car. His absence is not only a sign of negligence for his safety, but also the risk of receiving a mandate in the amount of 50 to 200 zł.


How to set up a warning triangle?

By marking a vehicle with a triangle we should have in mind the code of the road code. If we are on a freeway or expressway, the triangle should be set 100 meters from the vehicle. The triangle should be on the roadway or roadside. Outside the built-up area of ​​the triangle, we set 30-50 meters from the vehicle and in the built-up area – just behind the vehicle or on the vehicle at a height of no more than one meter.


Our life and health have no price. Reflecting your car with reflective clothing, learning how to deal with a crash is a small effort if you put our safety on the table.

Police officers handed out reflective vests

Bearing in mind the road safety of pedestrians and cyclists, the Road Traffic Division of morrow, together with the Sorrow District Office, conducted the “Road show” action.


The “Kick the Road” action was conducted on 20 and 23 December. During these operations, Road Patrols serving at selected points of the county roads paid particular attention to unprotected road users, cyclists and pedestrians. These people were given reflective safety vests purchased from the funds of the district office. Activities in addition to police officers were attended by representatives of the District Office in morrow.


How important it is to see the cyclist or the pedestrian on the road in time that does not need to be persuaded. The reflective vests allow the driver to see cyclists and pedestrians at dusk at night and weather conditions that limit visibility.



Reflective vests are obligatory already

From the beginning of November, drivers in Slovakia have to wear a reflective vest. Obligation, of course, also applies to foreign drivers on Slovak roads.


The reflective vest is mandatory for both four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles on all roads outside the village, both day and night. Persons leaving a vehicle due to a breakdown, defect or accident must wear a reflective vest. If the vehicle is not fitted with a reflective vest, a fine of between EUR 50 and EUR 150 may be imposed. The reflective vest must meet the EN 471 standard. The following colors are yellow, red, green, and orange each with reflective tapes.


The Ministry of Transport has decided to include vests in the mandatory equipment of vehicles. Unlike some other states, however, drivers do not have to have it in the car; the vest can be folded in the trunk.


Reflective safety vests are mandatory, for example, in Austria, Italy or Croatia. In some countries, for example in the Czech Republic, this obligation applies only to truck drivers.


Drivers do not have to throw away old safety vest

The Ministry of Transport demented the report that drivers would have to change their safety vests in their mandatory equipment. According to earlier reports, it would be necessary to have reflective vests meeting the new standards in the car. This concerns only newly manufactured products, so it is not necessary to discard old ones.


The Central Automobile Club of the Czech Republic on its website informed on Tuesday that the drivers will have to reach their mandatory equipment and replace the reflex vests with the new ones in order to meet the updated standards. New vests are better visible on the road.


The old reflective vest is labeled EN471, the new CSN ​​EN ISO 20471: 2013. The “notification person” and its four-digit identification number should be mentioned on the vest, the ÚAMK said.

Turning right and red – This very clever rule is applied mainly in the US. Helps reduce traffic density. If the driver turns to the right and has red, he is at the junction with the traffic lights as if there were a stopwatch. He goes to the junction and stops to have a good view. If nothing goes left, it can continue. In the Czech Republic we can find traffic lights with green arrows, but the nationwide rule would have a bigger effect. Drivers for Beginners – This solution has been going on for a long time in the Czech Republic as well. In many European countries, beginners get a special driver for a year or two. At that time, they are subject to more restrictive rules, such as less promiscuity of alcohol at the wheel or higher penalties for an offense. In some countries, a young driver must be accompanied by a more experienced person for some time.


The Ministry of Transport but the ÚAMK report demented on Tuesday afternoon: “The protective properties of vests, which corresponded to the former European Standard EN 471, are sufficient in terms of safety and correspond to technical requirements, so I would like to reassure the drivers that they do not have to throw away vests they bought earlier New, “said Transport Minister Dan.


“It is true that the vest that is part of the mandatory equipment must conform to a European standard (EN 471 or EN ISO 20471), but it does not show that older vests complying with this standard are inadequate and people cannot use them”.


The requirements of the revised European Standard apply to new products marketed by manufacturers. Manufacturers also continue to be required to affix the CE marking to the product, which reflects compliance with the essential requirements of the Government Order and the Directive.


However, the high visibility vest in the mandatory equipment of the vehicle is not one of those protective clothing, for which the number of the notified body carrying out the check must also be indicated. This concerns other, specialized, protective equipment, the ministry writes in its statement.

Police teach primary school students about road safety

Safety vests and reflective bicycle spokes increase security

Practical classes were given the primary school pupils in the Minden Street on Tuesday morning. In the schoolyard, the police-security adviser Heike Klein and Ditmars Hess welcomed the children and parents. At dawn they demonstrated to the students how important it is, even in the dark on the road to be seen. For this, the children were given reflective vests.


Thus, it was also really vividly, the children took place in the police van and watched from there if they can recognize their classmates in the dark well. “The one sees hardly,” says the eight-year Auras. “Only with vest I can see,” he says.


Ditmars Hess grazed him over such a vest, so he is better known on the way to school. “The jackets of the children are dark and the backpacks have hardly reflectors,” says Heike Klein. “It’s just not as cool to go with a vest to school, but in this way we show the children the difference. It would be ideal, of course, if the satchel also reflected,” said Klein.


“This morning I look at as a learning unit. Once a year we welcome the police with us. The issue of security is part of the social studies,” says Vice-principal Wolfgang Mickey. Ditmars Hess explains the classic scene from the road: “Children with and without reflective vest standing about 30 meters from the police van and then the fellow students can see for themselves whether they recognize the child or not Some have safety vests with reflectors, while others do not.” says Hess. 30 meters is about the distance that needs a motorist than stopping when he was on the way with 50 kilometers per hour. The stopping distance is then obtained from the reaction time and the braking distance, so Hess.


“Dark dressed people are perceived in the dark about 25 meters before, while those with reflective clothing to a distance of about 160 meters are visible,” says Owe Hageman by Dakar. He accompanied the project and keeps at school or a lesson from. “To the children of the differences between the visibility and the dangers to explain,” he says, pointing a photo with a dark person. In addition, the traffic safety consultants had a bicycle there to show the children the importance of lighting and reflectors. “The wheel has spoken here sticks reflected each spoke. Once the tire is moved, the area lights,” Heike Klein explained to the children. “We hope to achieve with this vivid action, the children and parents and prevent accidents at dusk and dawn can,” Klein hopes for more school children who move with reflective clothing in the dark.

Reflective vest let you run illuminate in the dark

See and be seen are the two most important principles of night running. Over the winter, moreover runners withdrew from the woods on bicycle paths, therefore they must reckon with other road users than deer and hares. We looked at how to outwit jogging in the dark.


Reflective elements

Reflective material elements visible from all directions are the very basis for anyone after dark issues into operation. In purely cross-country brands even created a special series, which boasts an extremely high amount of reflective surfaces. If your clothes still missing reflective clothes, do not be sad. Flexible reflective tapes can be bought for a few cents literally a visibility problem is that very easily solved. To resolve the presence of reflective surfaces elegant way, there are also self-adhesive or iron-on reflective stripes, which can easily enhance any piece of sportswear.

However, if you get when running on the unlit space, you’ll need something better.



Headlamps are the best friend the night approaching kilometers. You not only because of them you will see the feet on uneven surfaces, but also about themselves you know all runners and cyclists in the opposite direction.

The basic parameter for selecting the headlamps is its performance. Among the cheapest flimsy lamps include a relatively weak performance, with around one hundred lumens. They are most suited to running on the road and smooth bike paths where you only need a weak beam and more than exploring the terrain is important for you to draw attention to their presence nearby.


Choosing headlamp role lumens, control and power

If you run regularly along broken roads or paved rural and forest trails, look around rather to stronger with power from two to four hundred lumens. You will no longer strong enough to comfortably illuminate the terrain a few meters in front of you, allowing you to run over rough surfaces without the risk ankle.

For lovers of difficult terrain, there are then the most powerful (and expensive) headlamps with power from 500 to 1000 lumens. That’s quite a glow that turns night into day, but also a gaping hole burned into the retinas of runners in the opposite direction. Remember, therefore, on busy roads spotlight adequately mute.

What illuminate the area in front of you is concerned; looking headlamps competition is very difficult. Your back remains unlit, and especially the weaker headlamp beam of light can be seen from the rear until relatively late.

Therefore, it is good to combine headlamp with something that will take care of it, so you could see not only the front but also behind.


This role is played to perfection variety blink and lights, which can be clipped to the body. Runners most sought reflective tape with red LEDs that can be on the ankle or arm. In addition to the bands worth mentioning even blink or snap clips that can easily be clipped to a backpack or bottom edge of the jacket.

The big advantage of such opportunity is turning your bike into any side so that their LEDs shine exactly the direction that you need. Most often, you may encounter a red light, but also newly emerging blue and green flashing light that can attract the attention of an unusual color even slightly better than the traditional red color. To run unlit passages can, however, their shine will not be enough.


Reflective safety vests

The final safety feature designed for running in the dark as reflective vests with integrated LEDs. These to some extent combine the advantages of the preceding variants. Vests are usually made from lightweight mesh neon bright colors and are thickly dotted with large reflective surfaces. For the better then missing two strips of LEDs on the chest and back, which can be separately controlled?

Diodes significantly increase the efficiency of reflective vests and enable its use also on unlit places. Leading white LEDs will never be able to have such power to replace the headlamp, but for occasional overrun unlit section that should be enough. Practically unusable, however, vest provided that run with a backpack.


My solution

Personally, I prefer a combination headlamp and snap blink (reflective elements on a backpack and clothes are commonplace). I choose a headlamp with high performance that pleasantly and dense fog, which is typical for winter Brno. Another advantage is the fact that the maximum intensity of the light can be used instead of a short flash of the bell, alert and my presence pedestrian and dog-friendly, which I pass on the cycle path.


Snap-flashing clip suits me because it is very easy to attach to a backpack that I am back in the evening running from work almost every day. Due to running with a backpack unfortunately out of the game use a reflective vest.

Save fluorescent jackets chickens from the accidental

Entrepreneurs in England have discovered a groundbreaking niche: safety vests for domestic fowl. The demand is high.


What tempted at first to smile turns out to be useful invention. The safety vest provides comfort and protection at the same time and also increases the visibility of the chickens at night. The idea came to the English company due to requests of some customers. John Paul explains: “Many of our customers keep the chickens in her garden and the last winter was very cold. Then, the customers have warmly recommended designing a cloak for the chickens so that they no longer have to freeze. “The reflective surface protection is also guaranteed by road. Thus, the company killed two birds with one stone.


The online shop from Oxford shire has everything you could wish the animal holder heart – and much more. Originally sold to chicken coops, but now the range has been enlarged. The safety vest by reflective fabric for our feathered friends came last October at the market. So far 1500 pieces around the world were sold.


The company had six prototypes for a vest elaborated that warm the chicken and in its normal activity should not restrict. The breathable, weather resistant fabric the outside reflects light and draws attention in traffic to itself. The inside is used for heating the chicken and consists, which was developed by NASA and serves as an excellent insulator. Even if the chickens are not planning any space mission, they will be protected from wind, rain and snow. Cost point for a vest: 20 francs.


“At first, the chicken ran backwards …”

In the UK, the company meets with big run – which is obviously one million households who own domestic hens. These holders also include Sandaled Ali. They reported positive experiences with the vest. “We were looking for something that keeps you warm our chickens in winter. Then we came across these fluorescent jackets. Initially we found it funny, but then it turned out to be very useful. When the chickens were wearing the reflective vest, she suddenly ran back, but after a few minutes, she got used to the new cloak. ”


If the trend from the United Kingdom should also be well received in Switzerland, be prepared, if you like a chicken should come at a joyride in the way!




ADAC calls safety vests back

They shine only 20 instead of 25 yards – therefore the ADAC has recalled hundreds of thousands of safety vests for school children. The specimens that were now distributed in southern Baden are, but not objectionable.


In the presence of Mayor Otto the first years of the Clara-school feature in Freiburg with the new vest on Wednesday; similar actions were recorded for example in Emending Fermat.


“I think you see it from properly cute!” Mayor Otto has gathered in the schoolyard for trial wearing the bright yellow vests. The action has a good reason: “all 17 minutes detects a child under 15 years of a car on German roads, and often only because it is not seen or too late,” says Volker, Chairman of ADAC. Therefore, the foundation “Gerber Engel” ADAC has launched together with the aid organization “Kinder” and Deutsche Post AG, the action “Traffic Detectives” to life, to make the journey to school for first graders even safer.


Dangers in the dark season

Are particularly high accident rates of young road users in autumn and winter, when darkness, diffused light and fog impair visibility? But at other times it is important to be always attentive on the road. How quickly can cause a little carelessness in an accident, as a six year old boy in Freiburg’s Riesel fled was hit by a tram and fatally injured showed, for example, in May 2006.


Around 16,000 schools in Germany should receive the school year a total of 750,000 West. Since the first delivery of the West produced in China but shone not 25, but only 20 meters wide, it is complaining that the ADAC but so that it will take with the nationwide delivery a little.


Receive new reflective vest in Freiburg 27 primary and special schools. According to the ADAC spokesman Thomas Wyle the sewage-graders have been already supplied with the new western version with full radiance.

Simple safety vest that can save lives

To make the schooling for children safer, the ADAC has set its sights on the flag. Children are particularly dangerous in road traffic, because they are often recognized by drivers as late. Reason enough for the ADAC to equip the youngest traffic users with reflective safety vests. The 44 first-graders of the Hardener Montessori received free warnings for all about 750,000 school-leavers in Germany yesterday.


After the headmaster Martina Flore had thanked the representatives of the sponsors for their traffic safety management, Heinz, Managing Director of ADAC, Wolf-Otto Birgit (ADAC OWL) and “Yellow Angel” Robin the first i-male their safety vest. Until the beginning of the autumn holidays, the West is to be handed over to all other first years of the participating 16,000 schools throughout Germany.


The ADAC’s representatives made it clear that the high incidents of young traffic were still alarming. According to this, 28,235 children were injured in road traffic in Germany in the past year, 84 children fewer than 15 died, 20 of them in primary school. “Children still do not have a proper overview and recognize risks often too late,” Sasses urges and appeals to the parents to make their offspring visible. “A bright, reflective clothing like our safety vest helps to protect children better.”


The campaign goes into the seventh edition this year. Since the beginning, some 5.3 million security vests have been distributed free of charge to first-graders. “Children are much more likely to be injured in autumn than in summer”, says Whitecap. “With the safety vest, girls and boys are perceived much earlier. This is why the West should be worn not only on the way to school, but also during leisure time. ”


In the district of Minden-Lubbock there are 64 schools with 3110 first years. In OWL a total of 372 schools with 19,910 school beginners participate in this action. In order to improve the traffic safety of schoolchildren, parents with their offspring should practice the school route. “Very important: always go on the road, where the cars meet,” concluded in the end with all on the way. District police superintendent Fried helm Rotec warned: “Always take good care in road traffic and always wear the safety reflective vest!” Afterwards the girls and boys were allowed to take a look at the ADAC vehicle “Yellow Angel”.