Police teach primary school students about road safety

Safety vests and reflective bicycle spokes increase security

Practical classes were given the primary school pupils in the Minden Street on Tuesday morning. In the schoolyard, the police-security adviser Heike Klein and Ditmars Hess welcomed the children and parents. At dawn they demonstrated to the students how important it is, even in the dark on the road to be seen. For this, the children were given reflective vests.


Thus, it was also really vividly, the children took place in the police van and watched from there if they can recognize their classmates in the dark well. “The one sees hardly,” says the eight-year Auras. “Only with vest I can see,” he says.


Ditmars Hess grazed him over such a vest, so he is better known on the way to school. “The jackets of the children are dark and the backpacks have hardly reflectors,” says Heike Klein. “It’s just not as cool to go with a vest to school, but in this way we show the children the difference. It would be ideal, of course, if the satchel also reflected,” said Klein.


“This morning I look at as a learning unit. Once a year we welcome the police with us. The issue of security is part of the social studies,” says Vice-principal Wolfgang Mickey. Ditmars Hess explains the classic scene from the road: “Children with and without reflective vest standing about 30 meters from the police van and then the fellow students can see for themselves whether they recognize the child or not Some have safety vests with reflectors, while others do not.” says Hess. 30 meters is about the distance that needs a motorist than stopping when he was on the way with 50 kilometers per hour. The stopping distance is then obtained from the reaction time and the braking distance, so Hess.


“Dark dressed people are perceived in the dark about 25 meters before, while those with reflective clothing to a distance of about 160 meters are visible,” says Owe Hageman by Dakar. He accompanied the project and keeps at school or a lesson from. “To the children of the differences between the visibility and the dangers to explain,” he says, pointing a photo with a dark person. In addition, the traffic safety consultants had a bicycle there to show the children the importance of lighting and reflectors. “The wheel has spoken here sticks reflected each spoke. Once the tire is moved, the area lights,” Heike Klein explained to the children. “We hope to achieve with this vivid action, the children and parents and prevent accidents at dusk and dawn can,” Klein hopes for more school children who move with reflective clothing in the dark.