Be safe or district closer to us

The assumption of the “Neighborhood closer to us” program is to bring the police closer to the public and to be interested in the broadly understood security issues. In connection with the above, the district from the municipality of Gostynin participates in Solecki meetings. They discuss issues related to the program, as well as the establishment of the National Safety Threat Map and the My Command application.


During the meetings, police officers encourage using tools such as the National Map of Security Threats and the My Command application. The neighborhoods also touch road safety rules and encourage participants to wear reflective tapes on their clothes when they are on the road, not just outside the built-up area. Seniors are reminded of the principles of limited trust in strangers and maintaining common sense when deciding to buy products offered to them. Meetings are also an opportunity to talk about current problems of inhabitants of the village council.


District meetings are conducted as part of the six-monthly priority action plans for their business areas. They are to serve to increase neighborhood contacts with the public for effective interaction with residents to improve security in a given region.


The tasks adopted by the districts for implementation result from social expectations defined during meetings, consultations, and debates with the public as well as on-going analysis of threats to the National Safety Threat Map. These tasks are an important hint for the police because they concern problems and problems in the solution that we can help. The implementation of priority tasks – as the name says – has a special meaning for us.


In the nearest future, the district will participate in subsequent rural meetings organized in the Gostynin commune.