how to prepare for your trip?

Equipment: reflective clothing and shoes suitable for hiking

To dress in “onion”, with clothes that can be removed and put back easily is very important. It is hot in the climbs. It is necessary to cover up when taking a break and often remove a layer again during the descent.

Whenever possible, avoid sweating too much, as moisture in clothing may promote the risk of hypothermia. Plan a spare dry t-shirt if needed.

If you plan to go out for more than half an hour on snowshoes, comfortable shoes that insulate cold and moisture are essential. Furry boots or hiking boots will be the most suitable.

Be sure to come out equipped with a first aid kit, a reflective vest that will allow you to see more easily on the snow in case of emergency intervention.

It is also recommended to be equipped with a DVA (avalanche victim detector), a transceiver device that must be worn under the outer layer of clothing. It is essential to check that your DVA works well before any release and to know how to use it.

Also has at least a passive reflector on you. It is an unbreakable mini transponder, sometimes integrated with ski equipment or snowshoes that works continuously and require no prior training. You will find them in sports shops.

Also, bring a snow shovel and a probe that will free you from an avalanche or allow you to clear someone caught in the snow. Gloves, hat, reflective jacket, scarf. Be aware that time can change quickly, pack a backpack with clothes to cover you when needed.

After only fifteen to twenty minutes of burial under the snow, the chances of survival are considerably reduced. Be careful!