Reflective jackets for prostitutes

Jackets for prostitutes on the streets: Deputy Mayor confirms and adds all of them paid “out of pocket”. The town on Pauline, in the province of Cremona, has decided to adopt a unique “hard line” against prostitution on the old Pauline on the road 1, forcing the girls to reflective jackets by day and also to long trousers band reflective at night. If they do not wear them, they will get 500 euro fine. After the “hype,” he told Milano Today what happened.


Deputy Mayor, so you confirmation: a Spine jackets she paid for them?

“I explain. We have the so-called day shift, until six in the afternoon, they work in black girls. Then, in the evening, come the European. We have warned girls of color order. We do not have responded they had a problem and asked if it was common to supply the reflective vest. At this point, these being the most exploited and destitute, I thought I’d pay the jackets of my own pocket. ”


It has already delivered them?

“Yes, I’ve done that on Friday and Saturday. I thought I’d make this gesture because they are the most susceptible to exploitation.”

“They no, make do. Friday night we took a ride with the local police, to let them inspect the ordinance and doing sign for receipt. From this moment start the sanctions.”


He believes that prefer to move or accept the jackets and reflective pants?

“I have the impression that some of those evenings, it is already gone. Maybe they will move to another place, I feel sorry for the other place. The mayors of neighboring municipalities can always adopt the ordinance; it would not hurt homogeneity on the territory of Pauline because it would facilitate the work of law enforcement. “

Reflective jacket for cyclists when it is compulsory

It’s Obligatory to wear the jacket or the reflex reflective braces when you ride out of town, half an hour after sunset at half an hour before dawn. And it’s Obligatory also in the gallery. These are the new rules of the Road Code.


Obligation of jacket and braces

For all cyclists to see in the dark is not only advisable, but also mandatory.

The Road Code forbids long journeys on bicycles without special visual signaling devices: white or yellow front light; Red backlight and red reflector; Yellow reflex reflectors on the pedals and on the wheels or on the sides. The recent changes to the Road Code also prescribe the obligation to wear a reflective vest or braces (such as those that are mandatory to hold in the car to use them in the event of an emergency stop) for cyclists in the following cases:

– Out of town half an hour before sunset at half an hour before sunrise;

– In the gallery.


Increase your bicycle safety

Improving your bicycle visibility increases your safety: therefore, it is always advisable to wear clothing with reflective bands or straps; or add intermittent lights to the bike, though not mandatory.

A “kits” visibility you buy with about 10 Euros: 3.50 euro x bracelet / leg, 5 euro for the safety vest, 6 Euros for flashing back light.

A little money and really well spent.

Marinette invented the baby safety raincoat by bike

It is the story of a frog who did not like the rain. Marinette is also the name of the reflective clothing brand that Bihar, a resident of the Lilacs, imagined, exasperated not to find a cape adaptable to her daughter’s bike seat. “I looked for something on the Internet to protect her and I found only a sleeveless poncho in which the child was a prisoner,” says the former casting director. To launch a larger-scale production and be able to market its invention, it is now seeking funds on the kiss bank site. The subscription ends this Wednesday.


Before arriving at the prototype, Bihar turned to his mother-in-law, a former “exceptional” biology teacher, smiled Bihar. The two women together will work for months before getting a first result. “But technically, we were blocking,” says Bihar. I then found a model maker who agreed to give me a hand. In fact, this project of reflective material is a collective adventure. Everyone adheres. “Including another friend who created a logo for her brand,” Marinette “- which comes from English,” rain “, rain, and also reminds one of the frog.


“All materials are European,” says the designer. The fabric is Italian, the buckles, German and braces, Belgian. The cost price is 59 € per garment. Three prototypes are available: a dry fleece-lined apron, a waterproof windproof jacket with a wide hood for a helmet, and a 100% retro-reflective raincoat for night trips. “They fit on all the bicycle seats and allow the child to have a free hand,” says the designer.