Safety is yellow

Yellow safety vests are given to the students in the new school year on the move, because now, a few weeks after enrollment, the dark season begins. Now it is very important to make the young road users particularly visible. Because of road traffic on the simple rule applies: Visibility is safety.


Mayor Hubert, representing the municipality and supporter of the “First Grade Safety Campaign”, is also assisting the ABC marksman along with the class teacher and headmistress Kerstin. He gave each child a neon yellow safety vest. As a result, the children immediately started to love the cool safety vests with the reflective tape.


Not only does the vest looks great, but it also provides extra protection for the schoolchild. A child who regularly wears a safety vest over his jacket on the way to school, to friends and to sport, will be visible from other road users already from 140 meters.


The self-evident wearing the safety vest with reflective materials could avoid accidents, the headmistress said.

Road safety

Thursday, September 20, under the sign of the road safety. Two actions marked the day, first of all, the distribution of yellow safety vests to the 76 sixth graders by officials of Kolas, carriers, and representatives of the mobility service of Malraux community, Anne-Claire and Franck Bevin.


An action that is part of the awareness of safety in school transport and improving safety around the college. With the reflective material, “see and be seen” makes sense for students.


Driving of cycles on public roads and the danger of the road was the second safety aspect of the day. After a video session, 88 students of the three fifth grade classes who worn safety clothing, supervised by seven volunteers from the Cycling Club, rode the bicycles for an educational trail on a runway on the courtyard and participated in an outing in an urban setting. School transport and road safety have been effectively implemented.

Red caps for school beginners

More safety for schoolchildren: That is the stated goal of an action by the traffic guard, police and sponsors such as the testing organization Dekra and the Sparkasse Rota-Inn. Their collaboration makes it possible again this year that ABC shooters throughout the county can be equipped with safety vests and reflective caps. “This equipment makes the way to school, especially in the dark season much safer,” confirmed police commissar Franz Mayer at the start of action at the primary school.


After the first graders had greeted the guests of honor with a song, class teacher Ruth informed that she had already prepared the subject “traffic safety” with the children in class. It was also about the best colors for the clothes on the way to school. For this reason, school councilor Thomas advised the children, right now, to always wear reflective clothing and to keep their eyes open in traffic.


Headmaster Daniela Winterer emphasized in her welcome not only her joy over the security action, which she described as “very meaningful and important”. She also stressed that traffic education in elementary school is an important part of teaching. Sabah’s police vice-mentor Peter and traffic educator Franz Mayer gave the children important tips: “If you take good care of you and concentrate on the road to traffic and on the way to school, then you arrive safely.”

With safety vest you are safe!

For four years now, it has also applied in Germany: The obligation to carry safety vests.

It ensures a high level of safety in the event of a breakdown. With a safety vest, for example, you will be seen earlier and better in the event of an accident by other road users. In particular, on busy highways or in poor visibility, it may be vital. During the day, the sun ensures that the vest with reflective materials is bright and visible from far away.

In the dark, the reflective tapes of the vest throw back incoming light. The law prescribes a safety vest for each car or truck. But there is no compulsory wearing obligation. Because you usually do not travel alone on holiday, the police recommend: Keep as many safety vests as there are people in the car. And to make sure you do everything right, always remember to set up your warning triangle at a sufficient distance from the safety vest. Leave your car after a breakdown or accident and always stand behind the guardrails with enough distance to the road.

Important information about the safety vest: Always have the safety vest at hand, for example in the side or glove compartment. The vest should be stored so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. The sunrays destroy the lighting effect. In many European countries, safety vests have long been mandatory in the vehicle. Missing the safety vest, then costs in Germany 15 Euros fines. In other European countries, this is usually much more expensive.

So the best thing to do today is to see the safety vest, warning triangle and first aid kit are on board and ready to hand. The police wish you a safe journey and stay safe!

Safety is available in fashionable elegance

To be well perceived by motorists, helps bright clothes. Reflective clothing increases the likelihood of being seen many times over. These include safety vests.

However, they are the opposite of chic. But there are alternatives. If you look around, for example, in sportswear. For joggers, cyclists or mountain bikers, the sportswear industry has outdoor jackets, hats or scarves in neon colors, or jackets and trousers with reflective tapes. All this can also be worn well in everyday life.

In normal everyday clothing without reflectors, additional light bands with Velcro fasteners and so-called blinking with snap hook and LED light can be attached. Both are available, for example, in the bicycle trade.

Reflectors should be standardized

In the 1960s, a Finnish farmer developed reflectors that you can hang on your clothes. In addition to the classic snowflake shape and simple advertising reflectors from companies, there are now many different designs. Reflectors should not only look good, they should above all fulfill their purpose and comply with European standards. There are jewelry reflectors that cannot be seen at night from a sufficiently large distance. Therefore, one should pay attention to the CE mark.

The important thing is where the reflector sits

The reflector must be installed correctly. An important body, experts suggest, is on the right about knee high above the ground. A jewelry reflector should also not be attached to the lapel, but on jacket sleeves. The best to see are the reflectors, hanging from a chain or a band and rocking freely back and forth. They are visible from all directions. In addition, you should wear several reflectors on the clothes.

Also bags and satchels can shine

When buying satchels, parents should make sure that they meet the DIN standard: this provides that ten percent of the front and side surfaces are equipped with reflective materials. And as a fashion accessory, there are now also chic, reflective bags.

Reflective vests protect pedestrians and cyclists

Due to the weather, the risk of accidents increases. Pay attention to fluorescent and reflective materials.

Autumn has special requirements in road traffic: The days are getting shorter. The weather is getting worse and thus the overall visibility. Adverse weather conditions, slippery roads and short periods of daylight give pedestrians and cyclists a greater risk of being overlooked by motorists. It is highly recommended to wear reflective clothing in rain, fog and darkness. “Additional safety is provided by reflectors, which are already perceived by drivers at distances of up to 150 meters, thus allowing enough reaction time and stopping distance,” says Ralf. In comparison: A bright cap or jacket is only seen up to 90 meters. Dark jackets can hardly perceive motorists or at a distance of about 30 meters.

Pay attention to the test mark

“When buying reflective products, consumers should pay attention to the corresponding standards, license plates and test seals,” Denman says. Reflectors should comply with DIN standard EN 13356 and bear the CE mark. “If the GS mark is appropriate for tested safety, the product and the manufacturer are also monitored regularly.” For safety vests, the standard EN 20471 applies – this check number should be present on the label of the safety vest. Reflective tapes for joggers to incorporating prisms also ensure good reflective properties. By the way: warning clothing is divided into three classes depending on the proportion of fluorescent and retro reflective materials, with class 3 offering the best visibility. “Fluorescent materials or colors are particularly noticeable during foggy and rainy weather during the day, and retro reflective material ensures very good visibility at night, for example when it is illuminated by car headlights,” says Denman. If uncertainties arise with regard to the retro reflective behavior during the purchase, the TÜV Rhineland expert recommends making a cell phone photo with a flashlight from the reflective surface from a few meters away. Good retro reflective behavior is then directly visible on the display.

Safety vest and warning triangle at hand?

For four years now, it has also applied in Germany: The obligation to carry safety vests.

It ensures a high level of safety in the event of a breakdown. With safety vest, for example, you will be seen earlier and better in the event of an accident by other road users. In particular, on busy highways and highways or in poor visibility, it may be vital. During the day, the sun ensures that the west is bright and visible from far away. In the dark, the c of the vest throw back incoming light. The law prescribes a safety vest for each car or truck. But there is no compulsory wearing obligation. Because you usually do not travel alone on holiday, the police recommend: Keep as many safety vests as there are people in the car. Because everyone is safe.

And to make sure you do everything right. Always remember to set up your warning triangle at a sufficient distance from the safety vest. Leave your car after a breakdown or accident and always stand behind the guardrails with enough distance to the road.

Important information about the safety vest:

Always have the safety vest hand, for example in the side or glove compartment. The vest should be stored so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. The sunrays will destroy the lighting effect of reflective materials. In many European countries, safety vests have long been mandatory in the vehicle. Missing the safety vest, then costs in Germany 15 Euros fines. In other European countries, this is usually much more expensive.

So the best thing to do today is to see if the safety vest, warning triangle and first aid kit are on board and ready to hand. The police wish you a safe journey and stay, safe!

The bikers learned about safety on the roads

Last year, 60 motorcyclists died on Czech roads. So the police, in co-operation with bikers, have decided to organize an event to reduce the number under the motto of “bikes down”.

The Directorate of Traffic Police Service of the Police Presidium of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with the Association of Training Centers for Drivers of the Czech Republic, a preventive action aimed at the safety of motorcycle drivers on the polygon. The aim of the project was to present new safety features, mediate practical training and improve motorcycle drivers, but above all to reduce the consequences and the number of road accidents caused by bikers and to educate all road users.

“The interest was quite large, about two hundred bikers arrived, passed about 80 kilometers along the roads and then on the polygon they were prepared for a program of driving skills, traffic tests, demonstrations of the latest safety features because unlike car drivers , nothing but safety clothing does not protect, “said police spokeswoman Monika.


Part of the program was also a demonstration of new safety vests of the Police of the Czech Republic, which uses a helmet and to protect themselves from injuries in the fall of the motorcycle. “It is obvious that the safety vest works as it is, seals the hull and fixes the helmet, so when the fall falls, the biker will save,” Pavel of the Police Department confided with his feelings, who demonstrated the present operation of the new vest which is sewn-on reflective tapes.

In addition to rides and safety features, a show of motorcycle and quad bike riders was also included, and they did not hesitate to engage the audience. The action has shown that motorcyclists should be aware that they are more vulnerable than vehicle drivers and even the best equipment is not a guarantee of a safe ride if a biker goes risky and does not adapt the speed of traffic, weather and traffic density. “Special caution should be exercised when driving, especially if there is foliage, oil spills on the road, various unevenness such as bridge joints, transition to another surface or cobblestones,” the police spokeswoman said.

To make children more visible in the dark through safety vests

The days are getting shorter again; it is the time of the year when safety vests are increasingly used again. In addition, rightly so: The eye-catching items of clothing help to prevent accidents and to protect your children from the dangers of road traffic.


Especially in the dark season, it is advisable to equip children in traffic with safety vests. Therefore, other road users much more likely perceive them.


This is what the ideal safety vest for children looks like

Safety vests are made of a breathable and lightweight material. They are easy to pull over the normal jacket and do not hinder. It is best if they are closable with a Velcro fastener: So the vest is quickly put on, fastened, and stripped off again. Characteristic is the reflector strip, which should be at least one centimeter wide and once around the reflective vest should be around: Only this way it is ensured that the child is clearly visible from all sides.


The color of the vest provides extra security. If you buy a model in a fluorescent signal color, such as yellow or pink, your child will not be overlooked even in daylight. The difficulty, especially in the winter months, lies in the fact that most garments are sold like warm jackets in rather muted colors. In them, a child is much worse to recognize than in a color that does not blur with the hazy background on the winter road.


Color and reflectors make the difference in safety vests

If the children have to leave the house and go to school in the morning, it is still dark outside in the fall, winter, and early spring. Whether they are on foot or by bicycle, they are not easy to spot for motorists, and in the morning rush hour traffic on the streets are still a bit more dangerous than usual. Buy reflective vests with reflectors for your kids, they are in the light the headlights are easy to see from far away, and the drivers drive much slower and more cautiously.


You can also buy one for yourself: For example, if you bring your child to kindergarten by bike in the morning, you will also be more easily recognizable by motorists. If you find the normal vests that you find in trading too boring and not very individual, you can also order special designs. Children also like to put on a vest with their name. If you find that the reflective areas are not sufficient, you can buy additional reflective strips and fix them on the vest. How your child safely gets through the traffic!

Police officers distributed vests and reflectors to cyclists

Motorcycle Club, along with officers from the local police headquarters, carried out an action on the safety of cyclists under the slogan “Stay safe on the road” at the city marketplace.


Within it, cyclists received safety vests and reflective elements – informs Ursula, a representative of the police.


The uniforms warned that the autumn period, and consequently the early dusk, rainfall and thick fog caused the safety of vulnerable road users to be at risk. Lack of proper lighting of the bicycle and reflective tapes causes that both cyclists and the drivers do often not see pedestrians. This is particularly true outside the built-up area.


A spokesperson of the Communist party reminds that according to traffic regulations, pedestrians on the road after dusk outside the built-up area should be equipped with reflective material. Their absence exposes them not only to the penalty, but also to the danger of losing health and life.