Reflective vest for pedestrians’ safety

Between November and January; twenty more pedestrians without reflective vest die crushed because of the lack of light.

This is a consequence of the transition to winter time: between November and January, 20 more pedestrians are killed every month on the roadside. To warn about this unknown phenomenon Prevention Maid launched November 3 an awareness campaign.

“Reflect” in every sense of the word. “Think you”. Because the challenge is to encourage pedestrians to get noticed because with winter time, it’s dark in the morning at a time when one starts at school and at night when you come home from work.

This is precisely the morning and evening, after dark, the majority of accidents occur from November to January: pedestrians who do not wear safety vest are less visible effect when they walk through or on the roadside.

The time change does have an impact on health?

“One day, I wanted through a small country road. A car came with a bang. It was winter and I was dressed in black. Fortunately, it was just at the start of the walkway so I have backed, “testified Chloe who lives in the Paris region testifies to the microphone Europe 1.”In the countryside, there is not much floor lamp, so I am with my phone into flashlight mode and I’m doing great signs,” said the young woman.

But the “flashlight” technical Chloe is not the most appropriate as it may, however, blind the driver. There are much more effective measures according Fegueux Sophie, medical adviser for highway safety like trying to put lighter clothes or brighter colors or better to have reflective tape. And for cyclists, have a retro-reflective vest.

But not everything is a matter of pedestrians and drivers of two-wheeled drivers should slow down especially when changing from a well lit area to a darker area. It is, in fact, at that time that we have the most difficulty in distinguishing pedestrians.

Students should equipped with reflective vest

Friday morning, at the hour of the opening of the College of Saint Joseph, the gendarmerie brigade (three gendarmes and Major Le Du), was stationed at the building entrance, to proceed with Controls educational aim. Students wear reflective stripes on clothing are not very many to visit during cycling. However it is still 18 controls that were diligent Friday (85 students enrolled). In the presence of the Acting Director, after prior awareness that this has taken place with, designed to address safety deficiencies detected.

Police summon

Lighting, brakes, condition: everything has been reviewed. Seven children were not in order and very little, conversely, were – equipped with a tool in perfect condition, with a reflective vest and helmet. The police have established records listing the changes to ensure the interests of children and poor students were invited to proceed rapidly with the acquisition of the missing equipment as well as repairs. A call to the police will follow to justify made repairs.