Pedestrians start to wear reflective elements, the government agrees

A breach of duty should be subject to a fine of up to two thousand crowns “on the spot”. But it must be reduced visibility and walking on the road without public lighting.

Pedestrians should be obliged to use at least one reflective material element on their garments if they are walking on the road without visible light in poor visibility. The government approved today a proposal of the Ministry of Transport, which is part of the amendment to the Act on Road Traffic.

A breach of duty is to be subject to a fine of up to two thousand crowns “on the spot”, such as in the so-called block proceedings. The Office in administrative proceedings could then impose a fine of CZK 1,500 to 2,500. The same sanctions are already threatening pedestrians for violating other duties, typically poor passage. The exception should be unforeseeable circumstances, such as impassable pavement and temporarily inoperative public lighting.

According to the proposal, the pedestrian is obliged to wear reflective elements placed so that they are visible to other road users. However, only when moving in poor visibility along the shoulder or on the edge of a roadway in a place where there is no street light or where the street light is off. All three conditions (reduced visibility, road, no illumination) are required at the same time.

Marketing action tip

In addition to the night, reduced visibility means, in particular, fog, heavy rain, dusk or dawn. The law does not specify the exact dimensions or location of the reflective fabric element on the pedestrian’s garment. However, it must be visible from the front and the rear, ie large enough and uncovered. According to the ministry, it is optimal to use reflective tape on the hand or foot of a pedestrian (ideally in both places) facing the road.

The Office expects that the acquisition of reflective elements will cost a pedestrian about 50 crowns, while some have and use them now. It is also possible to expect marketing events in which traders or petrol stations offer reflective elements with a discount or a free bonus. The ministry expects the municipal police to increase their expenditures by approximately 5% (due to the extension of controls). The main benefit for the state is to decrease the number of accidents and thus reduce the related costs.

Visibility rises several times

Although the number of pedestrians killed in the Czech Republic is decreasing (134 died on the roads in 2013), the Czech Republic still occupies one of the worst locations among European Union countries. The Ministry recalls that the obligation to wear reflective elements has been imposed by many other countries, including Slovakia. Reflective material is visible at night three times greater than light clothing and more than ten times greater than dark clothing.

The Ministry of Transport originally considered a stricter option – the use of reflective vests, not just elements. However, it rejected it, as well as a milder solution consisting only in another awareness campaign.

If the amendment is approved by the Government and subsequently by Parliament, it is due to come into effect from January 2016.

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