Parents are adults who bear the greatest responsibility for child safety

The main priority in the activities of the Romanian Police, the safety of minors depends largely on the care, concern, and involvement of parents in the child’s life.


“As parents are the adults most responsible for the safety of children, we recommend that they take into account the following tips:


Set the child a safe and secure way to school, from which he will not turn away;


Teach it the basic rules for road traffic: to run only on the sidewalk, and in its absence, to run on the left side of the road; to cross the green traffic lights only, and in the absence of traffic light, ensure a good left-right before crossing the pedestrian crossing; to know the meaning of light signals and road signs;


Explain that on their way to school, they do not have to run or get off the pavement on the road;


Make it visible in traffic. Mount reflective materials on the baby’s desk or reflective fabrics on their clothes;


When transporting children in the car, use them with the seat belt. Carry it too, the power of the example is the easiest and most effective education;


Warn them not to respond to suggestions from the strangers who offer them transportation by car or various products;


When cycling, equip it with protective helmets and reflective vests; remind him to cross the road beside the bicycle on the pedestrian crossing;


Encourage him/her to seek help from police officers on the street when he/she does not feel safe.”Policemen are friends of the children, “says Elena Welter, spokesperson for IJP Sibiu.