Vodafone: a jacket to protect cyclists

Many cyclists use their portable, which makes them obviously vulnerable, especially when they do not wear reflective vest … Vodafone takes the subject head on, and solves both problems!
April 15, at the TEDxDelft, Vodafone Netherlands will unveil its smart jacket to cyclists. Originally a simple observation … and rather universal: biking, we tend not to protect as necessary. Not to mention the traditional helmet on which the majority tends to overlook, it is here to address two other issues. The first is that cyclists regularly use their phones while pedaling. The second is that much at night are invisible fault to wear a safety vest or light to attach to their cars.
With its proposed “Smart Jacket” Vodafone attack both problems: in order not to be tempted to look at his phone, simply slip it into a safety jacket pocket once you have entered your route there. The jacket will take care of the store, and using an LED system, it will indicate directly to motorists what path you take, in addition to using GPS. Ingenious!