To safety: 50 girls and boys of the first two classes of the primary school with their new safety vest. The picture shows the primary schoolchildren with headmaster Stephanie Bachmann (in the foreground) as well as in the background (from the left) Teacher Sonja Riedel, Klaus Ulbricht, Ronny(ADAC), police superintendent Volker, Mayor Mathias, Barbara and teacher Lena.
The motto of the action of the ADAC Niedersachsen / Sachsen Anal, the police and the Post DHL, which yesterday equipped the two first classes of the primary school with 50 safety vestures, is “quite bright”. Nationwide 70,000 first-graders receive the safety vestiges, with nationwide 750,000.
Embedded in a nice entertainment program with singing, designed by the first and second classes of the school, the transfer took place. “In dusk or in the dark, children with yellow, reflective vests are visible from about 140 meters away.” Stephanie Bachmann welcomed the ADAC staff member Barbara, the “Yellow Angel” from the ADAC staff service Ronny, Mayor Mathias, Klaus Ulbricht of the Menden and police officer Volker Grebe, the contact person for all schools and kindergartens in the old district of Menden.
Volker Grebe appealed to the children to wear the safety vest not only on the way to school, but also outdoors during their free time. “The West does not just look cool, they also protect you,” he said. The bright yellow, reflective vests with hood and the traffic detectives Felix and Frieda on their backs make children especially visible in the dark season on the way to school and in the leisure time. Road users can recognize children early with a safety vest and react in time.
“At dusk or in the dark, children with the yellow, reflective vests are visible from about 140 meters away,” explained Barbara. As a comparison she called darkly dressed children, which can be seen only from 25 meters. Together with Tristan from the second class and Mathias Eiders, Grebe made a flashlight experiment in which he impressively illustrated how to see with and without a vest.
ADAC staff member Barbara also mentioned a competition where the children who wear the high visibility vest can participate and win 500 Euros for the class.